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View Full Version : Favorite Sailor Venus Attack

11/17/06, 07:36 PM
Choose any criteria you'd like. Which looked the best, which was the strongest, which had the funniest sounds, the coolest name, go for it.

Venus Love Chain, easily.??I never liked any Sailor Venus attacks except that one.

11/18/06, 06:23 AM
Yay! Minako-chan poll!

*clears throat* Sorry. Um, well, I like them all. But, if I had to choose, I'd have to go with Love and Beauty Shock. Always loved that attack.

Note, the thread's title's a bit off. Says Jupiter, rather than Venus.


Neo Moonlight Knight
11/20/06, 11:52 AM
Upps, I better fix that.

Neo Moonlight Knight
11/20/06, 11:55 AM
FIXED!! I have to chose between her first one and Love chain encircle