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View Full Version : Rate this Senshi: Tuxedo Mask

Neo Moonlight Knight
11/22/06, 01:48 PM
Not a Sailor senshi, but still a Senshi part of the team.

Rate this senshi

11/22/06, 05:47 PM
Tuxedo Mask rocked. You cheered whenever he came on screen, since it was hardly ever expected. 10.

Sugar Baby
12/09/06, 09:59 PM
Tuxedo Mask rocked. You cheered whenever he came on screen, since it was hardly ever expected. 10.

Hardly ever expected? LOL Whenever the Scouts were in trouble you just knew Tuxedo Mask was around and would bail them out! :D
I think I'll give him a 9. He was really awesome, but he gets a nine for having that horrid voice actor for small stint in R and I think he was underplayed in the later seasons. In the original season he was the support when the Scouts felt weak to give them their second wind, but he just seemed to fall into the background more and more as the seasons went on.:(

~Sugar Baby

12/12/06, 09:43 PM
In the original season he was the support when the Scouts felt weak to give them their second wind, but he just seemed to fall into the background more and more as the seasons went on.:(
That's what happens when Sailor Scouts keep coming out of the woodwork. LOL

Sailor Saturn
12/12/06, 10:48 PM
I'll give him an 8.