View Full Version : What if the Outer Senshi had been in SuperS

12/04/14, 08:20 PM
What if the the Outer Senshi had been in SuperS anime like they were in manga? How do you think it would have changed the SuperS season? How do you do think they would have reacted to the Dead Moon Circus and to Pegasus?

12/05/14, 10:04 AM
you know I never understood why they weren't part of SuperS since they were Sailor Soldiers so they should have been there to help fight against the Dead Moon Circus.

Outer Sailor
12/21/14, 02:51 PM
It would have been so much better. The outers would have kicked ass. The season would have been a lot more interesting. Uranus and Neptune would have toughened Usagi up. If she had to be Princess she could learn a thing or too. Pluto would be the wise one of the team with Saturn their to lend her awesome power.

Sentai Master
12/21/14, 03:29 PM
I don't see the Outers trusting Pegasus. They didn't trust outsiders easy. Look how long it took them to even believe in Sailor Moon. Also they didnt take to the Starlights very much in Stars.

No Green Spandex
12/21/14, 03:56 PM
Maybe SuperS wouldnt have sucked?. Should have called it Sailor Super Chibi Usa.

Outer Sailor
12/21/14, 03:58 PM
Yeah way too much focus on Chibi Usa. I can take Usagi focus but Chibi Usa is too much. Uranus and Neptune should have replaced inners. With Pluto and Saturn joining later.

Captain Codfish
12/21/14, 04:03 PM
Well Usagi was gonna get the focus in most years because the show is called Sailor Moon. I agree about Chibi Usa getting too much focus in SuperS

Sailor Chaos
12/21/14, 04:05 PM
The Manga handles the Dream Arch so much better. Chibi Usa is far less annoying and doesnt get the focus she gets in SuperS

01/22/15, 07:30 PM
you know I never understood why they weren't part of SuperS since they were Sailor Soldiers so they should have been there to help fight against the Dead Moon Circus.

Thats a good question. It would be interesting to find out why that is. Its worth noting that they do come back during the dream arch in the manga. And when they return in the Stars Anime its during Nehellina's return.

Perhaps their story was supposed to be finished but fan demand brought them back. Or Naoko just go another idea for them and had them return. And the Toei animators kept them leaving after S.

There is a SuperS special in the anime that did have Uranus and Neptune. They fought by themselves. In it they believed the Earth was in good hands with the Inners. But this was never dubbed.

Spike Hart
01/22/15, 07:32 PM
They probably thought there would have been too many sailors and they wanted to do a fresh storyline.