View Full Version : Best Zord @#%$

11/30/01, 02:56 AM
This is an oddball poll, but which is your favorite cockpit from the zords? Keep in mind what they look like as individual zord and when combined. I personally picked the Original cockpits, they were so cool and also looked awesome when combined.

11/30/01, 03:02 AM
The title scrambled because of cockpit, it wasn't meant to be dirty, lol, but I'm sure you noticed.

12/01/01, 02:43 AM
i hated the zeo megazord cockpit! It was WAY too small.
InSpace was my fav.

Red Tulip Ranger
12/01/01, 07:58 AM
I don't remeber the Zeo cockpit very well, But i saw a picture of it not long ago, and it did look a bit cramped.

12/01/01, 12:52 PM
what makes me laugh is, the zeo cockpit is so small yet they could manage to switch places in a blink of an eye when using the different battle helmets. Freaky......

Pyro Lion Ranger
12/05/01, 01:03 PM
I don't know how they can switch so quickly when they change battle helmets. I wonder how they did that.

01/09/02, 05:35 PM
Zeo's cockpit's not that bad best would have to be Space for formed apart would have to be Time force and galaxy

Blue Pisces Jr
01/09/02, 05:37 PM

01/15/02, 06:22 PM
Hey Pisces Jr.,tell me you have something better to do, and that you actually know about this little thing I like to call ENGLISH!!!!!!

psychic ranger
01/17/11, 01:57 PM
Animal beast megazord combine with the soul bird