View Full Version : The Dark Rangers

Gold Robo Knight
11/27/17, 12:20 PM
It was a major disappoint that they didn't actually fight the Rangers. It seemed like such a cop out after their cool set up.

11/27/17, 12:36 PM
It was a major disappoint that they didn't actually fight the Rangers. It seemee like such a cop out after their cool set up.

no doubt but as Maligore likes to say they did "cheapen" out there due to their "cheap" suits.

11/27/17, 12:49 PM
Yes they were definitely too cheap to produce a battle and those suits were bad. As cheap as they could get.

11/27/17, 07:33 PM
Indeed I would have liked to see the Morphin Rangers fight the Dark Rangers.

My thing was always that I wondered why they never had helmets since I remember the crystal that powered them was powered by what was left of Tommy's Green Ranger powers.

So I always imagined them wearing repainted Green Ranger helmets the way VR Troopers used repainted Red Ranger helmets for the Battle Grid suits.

Zordon's Heroes
11/27/17, 07:34 PM
The suits were pretty ugly. But there diffinitly should have been a battle for the powers.

Falconzord Commander
11/27/17, 10:12 PM
The fight couldn't happen because the suits would break if they were used for stunts. They should have used the Dairanger suits and made the Dark Rangers reoccurring villains. They would just use their power source every time they fought the Rangers and have to get a new one.