View Full Version : Red Sentinel Ranger

12/07/17, 08:40 PM
I was thinking about the Sentinel Knight which then got me to thinking about Mack since he actually wouldn't be able to access the Red Sentinel Ranger Battlizer anymore due to the Corona Aurora turning him human.

Bandora's Ghost
12/07/17, 10:22 PM
If he used it, it would kill him. So I only see him using it in a no win situation.

Bansheera's Revenge
12/07/17, 10:23 PM
Perhaps they could find a way to make it safe for a human.Or the crown's power could make kt safe for him. Since the crown revived him.

Bridge's Brigade
12/07/17, 10:26 PM
I could see them using either of those ideas if they need to use the battlizer mode again.

Inner Senshi
12/07/17, 10:30 PM
They could do anything they want. So I am not too worried. Anything can happen in Power Rangers where magic is possible.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed
12/07/17, 10:45 PM
I think the Crown gave him the abilkty to still use the battlizer of necessary.