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chronoranger 04/04/01 12:48 AM

Create a Ranger
If you created yourself a ranger identity (like my chronoranger character) what would its characteristics and bio be?

Height, Weight, and Age:
Ranger Team Affiliation: (chronoranger is a time force ranger^_^)

Let's see who can come up with the hottest powers....

ZeoSeraphimon 04/04/01 01:21 AM

Oooh...this looks fun :) 'Borrowing' from my fanfic, here we go:

Name: Michael Williams aka Silver Ranger
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 212 lbs.
Age: 28 (Yeah, he ain't young, but I prefer the twenty-something Rangers to the kids)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Origin: London, England
Ranger Team Affiliation: MMPR
Bio: Once the scourge of the Power Rangers, the Gray Ranger was created by Lord Zedd out of the ashes of the Green Ranger in order to destroy the Rangers. Wielding the power of Darkness, the Gray Ranger proved himself by defeating all of the Power Rangers in combat, even crippling five of the Rangers and destroying the ThunderZords.

After losing his powers with the destruction of his ThunderZord, Michael went on a quest to retrieve the Black Morpher, a powerful morpher that would restore his powers. Having to give in to the power of hate to defeat illusions of Ecliptor and the White Ranger, Michael succeeded in finding the morpher, but lost it the White Ranger. Once the White Ranger became evil, Michael found himself an ally of the Rangers now. A restored Zordon gave Michael the option of becoming the powerful Silver Ranger if he would give up his evil ways.

Agreeing, for the time being, Michael found himself allied with the Power Rangers and was able to finally defeat Tommy in combat, but in doing so, unleashed a temporal storm that forced the Rangers into a post-apocalyptic future. With the Dark Ranger still out there and the past he once knew far gone, a reformed Michael know fights against the injustices he used to perform

Powers: Controls the element of Light. Specific abilities include: _Grand Flare_ - the Silver Ranger fires a burst of flame charged with holy energy at his enemies. _Hand of Fate_ - the Silver Ranger channels power through his Silver Power Staff and unleashes a powerful blast of energy at his foes.

Delta Red 04/04/01 02:02 AM

Already done so! My guy Matt from my Lost galasy remake! ^^

Name: Matthew Daniel Corbett
Age: 16
Height: 5' 11
Weight: 205 lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Origin: Angel Grove, California
Ranger Team Affiliation: Delta Rangers(Leader)

Bio: Matt was the second Silver Ranger at age 11, his rangerdom with the Astro team having lasted only a few weeks before the release of the Purge Wave. Five years later, he became a Ranger again when he drew the Delta Saber of Light from the Stone of Ages on Miradon and realized his true destiny as the Chosen One.

He became the Red Delta Ranger, Ranger of Light, and assumed command of his team due to his greater Ranger experiance. He's "bonded" to the Red Star Beast Lioness, and also has rather strong feelings for the only other teenager of his team; Maya(pronounced "may-ah")

Matt also has an extremely nasty temper, one that is countered by his equally extreme loyalty to his friends and those he loves. He has never forgiven himself for causing the events that lead to the death of his father while he was Silver Ranger, and has spent his life since then trying to make of fomr his mistake.

Powers: As the Chosen One and wielder of the Saber of Light, Matt is endowed with awesome energy manipulative abilities, in addition to the energy field his shield projects to deflect any energy blast or high speed projectile fired at him. It's only weakness is that it cannot block or deflect physical attack or slow moving projectiles. He is able to focus the energies of his Shield Barrier into a powerfully destructive blast beam that fires from the coin symbol on his shield, as well as generate high power energy balls. A non- ranger power gained from his Saber is the gift of supersonic speed boosting, enabling Matt to reach running speeds of up to Mach 1.

He also has an extremely high telepathic ability, one that is rivaled only by those held by all of Maya's people on Miradon and the Aquitians.

GaoRed 04/04/01 03:57 AM

I have been in the game since the beginning!
I started out a long time ago, but have since been modest.

Name: Josh James
Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 20 lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Origin: Houston, Texas, but now in Washington, D.C.
Ranger Team Affiliation: Terra Force Rangers, Leader

A long, long time ago, I can still remember...

I was trekking through the woods with some friends of mine. We had heard legends growing up about the super human fighting force, the Power Rangers. When Rita Repulsa and her evil mutants began attacking the earth in 1994, the three rangers appeared. The Black Ranger with the power of the great Mastadon and the element of Ice, the Yellow Ranger with the power of the Saber-tooth Tiger, and the element of Electricity, and the Pink Ranger, with the power of the Pteradactyl, and the element of Wind; they began fighting the baddies.
We learned of three other powers hidden that would complete the team. So we went in search of them. We were all just 14, well Kevin was 15, but me and Josh (number 2) wanted to see if the legend was true. While searching, we found this old, hollow tree, and on the inside was a chamber with the three lost Power Coins. Kevin became the Red Ranger, Josh the blue ranger, and me the Green Ranger. We then met up with the others, Johnathan, black; Amanda, Yellow; and Nikki, Pink. We fought Rita till Zedd showed up.

Zedd destroyed our zords and forced us to summon the Thunderzords. Josh was replaced by Brandon, and Amanda was replaced with Keri. He then destroyed my powers as the Green Ranger, and then I became White. Soon after, we beat him. The team broke up with no evil to face.
Later, I had moved to a new town, Beaumont, and a new enemy arose. Ivan Ooze came. So I enlisted new friends and we reclaimed the powers. But they weren't strong enough. So Zordon sent us to Pheudos to claim the Great Power. With the new Ninjetti powers, Ooze was defeated. But when Zedd, Vile, Count Dregon, Vexor, and Nukus destroyed our power coins, we used the Zeo Crystal to fight back.
With the appearance of Malligore, we up-graded to Turbo. By this time I was in college with a new team. I was Red, Dennis was Blue, Sara was Yellow, Doug was green, and Suzy was Pink. The Villians 5 were no match to us.
Until they found the Zeo Ark, and turned the power of the Zeo Crystal, Super Zeo Gems, the Ark, and King Trey's Golden Power Staff against us. They blew up the entired command center. But more bad news had come for Eltar, and Zordon, had fallen to the attack of Dark Spectre. With a Shuttle from MSNASA, we trekked through space to fight evil. As the Lightstar rangers, we beat him.
After that, a portal was opened to Utopia, the sister planet of Earth. There we fought the Dark Sentials of Orion with the power of the Quazar sabres. After restoring Sara to the throne of Utopia, I returned to Earth. There I was enlisted in Lightspeed, as the commanding officer of the new Power Ranger team. After saving the earth from Lord Frezia, I was recruited by Time Force to stop Emerald, Mistress of the Nega Moon from changing the past. Once done, I tried to take a vacation.
But low and be hold, I had hoped that Washington DC wouldn't need a new hero, but noooo, Grand Darkness resurects Emerald, Frezia, and Frax to make my life troublesome. But Gaia, the spirit of Earth gave me, Chris, Nathan Sommers, Jackie, and Bruce the Power of the Terra Beasts.

Will I ever get to go on vacation?

KibaDairanger 04/05/01 02:05 AM

This is one of my favorite charcters in my fanfic, Power Rangers New Dawn. If you want to know more about him or other characters, head to my site.

Name: Kellen Jordan
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 175lbs
Age: 25
Ethnicity: African-American
Origin: Angel Grove, California
Ranger Team Affiliation: Currently, Green Rescue Ranger, But will have new powers this fall.
Bio:Kellen Jordan was born in Angel Grove. Unfortinetly, he didn't receive the gift of sight. His parents sent him to special edication schools. At that time, Kellen or his parents thought it was possible for him to suceed in life. Everything he learned at school felt like a waist since he couldn't see the wonders of life.

At the age of 13, Kellen met a new teacher. He was a martial arts tutor, and he wanted the blind student to join. Kellen couldn't see anything to lose, so he joined. This teacher taught Kellen everything, from kicks to walking without a cane. After five years of training, Kellen found out his teacher was also blind. This was a shock to the young student. He wanted to show his teacher that he can be as good as him, but the mentor said Kellen was already as good as himself, if not than better.

Kellen met some new friends one day, but an attack from evil space aliens occured. To Kellen, they were just like all other threats he heard, so he helped to defeat the invaders. What he didn't knw, was his new friends were Power Rangers. He was able to identify them by the sounds of their voices, which the Rangers were shocked. All the Rangers found Kellen very helpful.

When Clyde received the Red Astro Ranger powers, his body was under strong pains, since the balance of power in the Morphin Grid was disturbed. The only way to save him was to give someone else the Black Astro Ranger powers. In an instant, Zordon selected Kellen. What he and the Rangers didn't know was that Kellen was blind. At first, the Rangers would leave the blind Ranger behind and attack evil without him, but Kellen proved himself to be very helpful when he defeated the evil forces by himself. After the Rangers saw Kellen's real power, they were more than happy to allow him to be a regular Ranger.

Kellen is happy to be a Ranger, but he yearns for more. Going through so many years without sight, makes the young adult questions greatly. "Once in my life, I just wish I could see my face, to know what I look like would be the greatest gift for me." (Kellen explaining to Elizabeth) Kellen also wants to be independent. Even though he knows that he needs help, he will never ask for it. His best friend, Clyde Stryker, is always watching Kellen's back, but doing it in a descrete way, so that the blind Ranger doesn't know. Independence is hard for the blind, but Kellen always manages to suceed by himself.

Powers: Other than his Ranger powers, Kellen has sharpened senses that aids when fighting. Some enemies can't even tell that Kellen is blind.

-Jason Sohiel

TomorrowResearch 04/10/01 01:18 AM

This is from my new sentai fanfic which is 70% completed

Name: Thomas Xiaou Li (Tommy)
Weight: 160
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Half Asian/Half African American
Origin:Lakewood, California
Ranger Team Affiliation: Go Sei Sentai Ryuranger (Kirin Ranger)

A descendant of the Dai Tribe that brought forth the Dairangers. Tommy Xiaou Li didn't expect much from his life when he was younger, but found himself training with his father to be a fighter. All that seemed to change when his father mysteriously passed away when he was 13 years old.

That was when Tommy decided to keep on fighting to make his father proud of him, but that was just the beginning of the path set for him by the Dai Elders.

Li found himself being able to use the power of his chi into full energy which was proven very powerful when he ended up in a fight with a man named Tatsumi Fuji, someone who would become one of his greatest foes.

That was when his half sister Lisa Xi-Li, tried to train him into being a Dai Warrior, but that only seemed to make things worse as a rift began to form between the two of them as she became cold and vindictive.

At the age of 17 Tommy moved with his mother Shar'ri Mc Neil to Tokyo where he met another person that would change his life. Her name was Misato Komuro. The two of them fell in love, but she and his mother were taken from him by Tatsumi.

Around that time, a Dairanger by the name of Tempuusei Lin approached him. Telling him that he was needed to fight the Gorma Tribe. At first he was reluctant, but when he saw a Gorma General named Stefan Harmon take the comatose body of Misato Komuro and throw her off of Tokyo Tower. He swore from then on that he would fight for the Dai Tribe as the next Kirin Ranger.

He continued on back to his Hometown of Lakewood where strange disturbances were happening. Li knew that it was the Gorma, so he began on a quest to fight them with the other four new Dairangers calling themselves Ryuranger. He knew that he would have to stop the Gorma from suceeding, but he also fought so he could avenge the death of Misato.

That's what keeps him going.

Able to manipulate some of time and space with his abilities. With the amount of Chi stored within him, Li can actually launch a full attack with just one thought. His most powerful attacks are the Heaven Time Reversalwhich is capable of destroying the enemy; And the Heavenly Rebirth in which he uses his Chi at full strength leaving him weak and defenseless. He has only used this ability once.

Daibuster, Dairod, Dairiken, Kirin Nine Tails.

1992 Kawasaki Ninja (When he is not Kirin Ranger)
Kirin Kiber Cycle: Designation YK-4

Sei Kirin

jenlovesalex 04/29/01 04:44 PM

Name:Bridget Anderson. Real Name:Brie(last name unknown).
Origin:KO-35(grew up on Earth in Los Angeles).
Ranger Team Affiliation:PRIS.
Bio:When she was 2 her older sister Aria who later became known as Ashley was taken.Bridget then was taken to Earth for her own safety.When she was 13 she had a little girl named Maria.Then when Bridget turned 17 she met up with her sister again who of course was Ashley the Yellow Astro Ranger.Ashley gave her the Orange Astro Ranger.She is now going out with TJ & helping her sister & brother Zhane to thwart their father Nicor.
Powers:She has telekenetic & telepathic powers.

jenlovesalex 04/29/01 05:07 PM

This is a character from my new series called the omega rangers.

Name:Lara Thompson.
Origin:San Deigo,California.
Ranger Team Affiliation:The Omega Rangers.
Bio:She was born on April 9th 1988 to Amanda & Henry Thompson.She has long blonde hair & blue eyes.She has one younger sister named Elisabeth.She loves to scuba dive,ski dive & bunjy jump.She came to Angel Grove when she was 14 she was noticed by the evil guy Zinglar.Her first day at Angel Grove High was a disaster.But she made a friend named Kelly then met her brother Scott.Then when they went into the Surf Spot which was now owned by Ashley Hammond(ex-yellow astro ranger)& her husband Andros(ex-red astro ranger)she spilled some juice over Scott & she got a job working there.A year later she was kidnapped by Zinglar & he gave her the white omega morpher.

Then a guy named Tristram called on Scott,Kelly,Paul,Nicole & Ryan to become the other omega rangers.Scott was to become the red,Kelly the yellow,Paul the black,Nicole the pink & Ryan the blue.Lara finally turned to the good side when Kelly persuaded her she learnt of her true destiny to become the purple omega ranger she also learnt that she was destined to save the universe because she was the Emperess Of Eltar.She had been taken from her home when she was very small for her own safety.So how will Lara handle this I only know the answer to that.
Powers:She has the power to heal animals & humans when she wants to.She also has the power to read minds.

ssj6 vegeta1 05/07/01 06:19 AM

i cant post that fast ill do this later

GoldAtlantisRanger 05/09/01 12:19 AM

Name:Christopher Tekra
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs.
Age: 14
Ranger Team Affiliation: The Gao-Atlantis Rangers
Ranger Color: Blue

After being kidnapped and held for Ransom by the evil villian Metusha, Chris discovered that his brother, Matt, and best friend, Jeremy, were both Power Rangers.

When Metusha injected microdeviceinto Jeremy, preventing him from morphing, there was only one person who could take his place, Chris.

Working side by side with his brother, Chris has become one of the best Atlantian Rangers, ever.

Atlantis Saber
Atlantis Blaster

DNA Morphing Chip: Power Of The Shark-Enabled to have all the traits of a shark, when DNA chip is called upon.

JBritney 05/10/01 05:45 PM

Examples:Tie Kwone Do
Name: Jeanmarc Britney Spears As Robert The White Time Force
Height: 4'45
age: 24
Ranger Team Afiliation:PRTF

Bio:Once i was in PRIS And PRLG and i tell use my own powers to use againets lord zedd i had no choich to make
with came long with tommy olver was the green ranger
and i started someting what is going on here besides i use to be regulare power ranger i was will that was long time ago and i can't defeatd Mr mcmahon next time on WWF Wrestling am gong to use my own morpher and say time for time force and i'll will beat againest mr macmaon onces and for all like they say about me i never give up ith my fear

but theres is one thing i almost iorgot something with my power i know it was strange with mr mcmahon i ust remember
this sunday on 20 on pa par view i have to defeat with my own simple with my old morpher rescue morpher when i use my morpher i never stain a changed with my match with mr mcmahon the daughter with billions an billions with the boss i fight ith hime with my own blaster he goign to pay what he done in the path in the future maybe in few ol moths ago i'll never surrender with my reacue blaster i'll show mr macmahon that am the arn stile wrestler of them all

and prove me wrong i' tol that to bobbby taylor will someday i'll show mr mcmahon who is preety good with his match even is going to be jeanmarc dupras vs mr mcmahon
and please far always oplease do not try this at home please dont try this at home ladies and gentleman i care for my friend mark but he stick up with me long time sinces i put mark in wwf if you smell what jeanmarc is cooking
you always talked about this talke about that will the time is going tick toke tick toke tick toke so you wanna fight
with anmarc britney spears cause iam the Power rangers time force sure make big inpression of big show later on whats going to happening nxt on WWf Smackdown

try this rangers iam takin care of mr macmahon cause hes daugther stephaine mcmahon - helmesly triple h wife heya right i doubt it myself there no change with tis future
somehting you can't buy something am going to tell mr mcmahon jsut saty way my friends

and there on change to make me have make my decidein about going to jugement day ust five days fo par pr view
but i still hav my friends wes trip lucas katie jen i really stick up with my friends and eric th quantum ranger
will eric you stick that quantum morper up your ass

Powers: Wing blade i use my wing blade better monthers if you get my idea i just i defeat mr mcmahon
i just begone with my even match
i care with my family my friends maybe not right now maybe in the past maybe in the future cause am that dame good

JZSpock 09/01/01 07:31 AM

Introducing the Antarian Hot Pink Ranger
Since "Island of Illusion" I've already done so: :lol
Name:Jessica Zordon
Height: 5' 9"
Age: 24
Ethnicity:Antarian Royalty
Ranger Team Affiliation: Antarian Hot Pink Ranger (co-mentor) MMPR-PRLG

I am Jessica
Queen of Antario
and the Original Hot Pink Ranger

b on the planet Antario, my family and I were forced to Earth in fear of a revolution. I was in 4th grade when I was chosen by Zordon to be the hot pink ranger. He had extreme faith in my abilities. He had told Alpha 5 that "Jessica is young, but she will grow into it" I was honored, a 4th grader chosen by a powerful Eltarian Warrior, that was really special. Unlike the other Rangers I had the urge to protect Zordon, for reasons still unknown to me. The first battle I fought was in the Command Center, Rita had wanted to kill Zordon directly, but I put a stop to that.
I recall Quagmire saying "Jessica, Jessica, warrior so grand, remember a time when Zordon's life was in your hands"

My homeworld & his have a super compatability factor.
We became extremely close, and Zordon helped resolve my Thon-bat, the Antarian time of mating. I was 12.5 Antarian years of age, he was kind & gentle. The rest of that is just between Zordon & Alpha 5 & myself.

Dimitria was a mistake, she was a bother, I protested her every question & Alpha 6's Yo Yo Yos. They were annoying. Antarian 7th graders with broken hearts are people not to be dealt with. I had lost my first band director, Brassman, that same year, & recieved a director the equivialant of Dimitria. I had "Aahs World Radio" turbo power until Divatox destroyed the Power Chamber

My heartfelt love for Zordon kept me focused during PRiS, when Andros and the other Rangers fought the bad guys I used my telepathic powers & bond to locate Zordon & figure out how to rescue him. It wasn't easy. Fighting Dark Spectre's minnions to rescue Karone was more difficult. Zordon was there, alive, I vowed I would never kill him, (it still breaks my heart to think about this) Andros didn't want to kill Zordon, I refused, "Imzadi, tu katra se ri hiyet!" I cried. Calling on my Quazar laser I mortally wounded myself so that would die with him. Throwing the laser lance at Andros I ordered him to combine it with his spiral saber, giving him enough power to kill Zordon. Mr. Spock as the Vulcan Sunset Ranger was there to mind meld with me to keep me from dying. Zordon knew I would need this, he was going to die & wanted me to stay alive. I still miss him.

Powers:Power of music,
Jessica can take any song & use it to express her thoughts.
Her telepathic powers increase this ability. She can send music into someone's mind without them even knowing it.

Jason Frank 02/12/02 08:40 AM

Re: Introducing the Antarian Hot Pink Ranger
Name:Tommy Oliver Jr.
Height:1,76 metres
Weight:100 pounds
Ranger Team Afflication:I am the green Ranger
Powers:Green Ranger Powers
Weapons:D ragon Dagger
Zords:D ragonzord , Titano

GaoSilver 02/13/02 07:02 PM

Lunar Power
Name: The Lunar Ranger
Team Affiliation: None
Bio: the first Ranger created before Zordon, this ageless soul has near-god-like abilities. The current bearer of these powers is an amnesiac man, who may have been concieved by the powers themselves.
Weapons: Lunar Blaster, Lunar Laser Attack, Onslaught of
Zords: Re-designed Zenith, the Carrier Zord

MorphinTime 02/13/02 10:01 PM

Re: Lunar Power
Well, let me try. I am actually writing a fan fic about this, so noone use this idea unless u ask me, OK?

Ranger: Uni-Red
Name: Charles Anderson a.k.a Chuck
Age: 18
Weight: 194
Group: Leader of the Uni Rangers
Ethnicicy: White
P.O.B: born and lived in the ruins of Angel Canyon(the remains for Angel Grove and Stone Canyon0) until he was recruited to lead the Uni Rangers. Charles is a strong, willful teenager who is one of the few remaining humans on Earth. After Dark Spectar was reborn, he resurected his generals in the AOE, and set out to finish what he started. Earth was the first place. They conquered it in 3109, destroying the current Time Rangers. Chuck was born in 3147 and recruited at 17 by Zordon's son, Jenh-Dor. Well, that is all I am gonna say for now, if you want to learn more, you'll just have to read my fic.

RltyRngr 02/14/02 05:38 AM

Name: Jackson Harris
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170
Age: 20
Ethnicity: White
Origin: Santa Cruz, California
Ranger Team Affiliation: Leader of the Crystal Force Ranger Team
Bio: Jackson, grew up with a lower middle class family, he has done his best to keep himself a survivor, and not a victim, he moved to him grandmothers house, and has a strong and sensitive human being, he is not the best at sports and school, but he has a sense of life and loyalty that can not be met.
Powers: hold the crystal of courage, and it gives him the power to see 24 hours in the future in his dreams.

Go see the Power rangers saga site


psychic ranger 01/24/11 01:42 PM

Re: Create a Ranger
Name Charlie
Height 5'6 age 20
ethnicity white
origin Mainer Bay
Ranger Red light ranger, Blue Ice Ranger, White time ranger Ranger
team Affiliation: no one team
Bio: grew up with a genetic powers and was made fun of all the rest when in his teen years he met with Carter Greyson the would be red lightspeed rescue and Matt who was the same as Charlie so they promise to look after each other then he always wanted to help people during his teen years he was able to tell how injured people are and was able to fix them up and met Dana Mitchell and became friends after that he got morpher and became a power ranger he decide to help other rangers. He decide to visit Carter he instead saved Dana and after that they remember each other after that they grow a good friendship and after meeting with each other Carter and Charlie were both suprise they became rangers then he gain the Ice orb gaining power to transform into the Ice ranger with this new form they were able to beat a new monster he stayed for awhile. He then help out the Wild Force where Taylor was very uncomfortable with his appearance but then started to like him where they started hanging out and become really good friends and stayed for awhile when one morning Matt came told about them and their story and they help out with zen aku. He became the time ranger to help out out Time Force where Eric, wes and him became strong allies including when they were attacked by Ransik and his army. powers go to different places and years, stop the changing of time, light turn into armor, ice battle armor zords ice zord, light zord, time zord

Kamen Rider Decade 01/25/11 01:29 AM

Re: Create a Ranger
Name: Rangertron #FF0000
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 1 Ton
Age: 2 years
Ethnicity: n/a
Origin: Secret underground black ops underground laboratory
Ranger Team Affiliation: None
Bio: Built to solve the biggest problem with Power Rangers, human error.
Powers: Only a sissy bitch uses special powers.
Zord/Megazord: Grows and armors up.
Weapons: Due to the modular and transformable nature of its body, it can create the weapon best suited for the situation.

MattEmily 05/13/14 04:12 PM

Re: Create a Ranger
I was considering doing this and I thought why not? It couldn't hurt.

Name: Matt
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 200 lbs
Age: 31
Ethnicity: white

Origin: Matt comes from Angel Grove.

Ranger Team Affiliation: No team.

Bio: Years ago Matt met Zordon's son, Zokar and Zokar explained to him how there were secret teams that were elsewhere in the universe as well as secret powers that would give the holder of the power the ability to morph into any superhero being whether they are Power Rangers or not and this would also allow them to use the various powers, vehicles, zords but it would also give them the weaknesses of the heroes or vehicles.

Zokar explained how there were 7 special artifacts called Eltar Stars that Matt needed to find in order to access those powers however each Star would only access a specific group of heroes until all 7 are activated at once. Team Power-Ups such as the Metallic Armor and Lights of Orion will not be able to be activated unless the 5 Stars that correspond to those powers are found and activated.

Powers: Matt eventually receives an Eltarian Star which causes him to morph into the White Star Ranger but he just does whatever he pleases as do his other teammates.
His other powers allow him the ability to access any of the 6th Rangers' weapons and zords regardless of their fate as well as the Extra Rangers' arsenal and the Extra Warriors' arsenal.
His powers also allow him to control a Megazord (such as the Megatigerzord, Delta Command Megazord, Solar Streak Megazord, Flashpoint Megazord, etc.) all by himself and he doesn't need to burden himself with going inside of it in order to pilot it either, he can just pilot it from outside like the Green Ranger did with the Dragonzord.

MattEmily 05/15/14 03:54 PM

Re: Create a Ranger
Because I mentioned him in the previous post, I thought I should post him as well.

Name: Zokar
Height, Weight, and Age: 5'6''
Ethnicity: N/A
Origin: Eltar
Ranger Team Affiliation: Eltarian Squads
Bio: Zokar was born shortly before Zordon had went to Angel Grove to set up shop there in case of an emergency situation however Zokar was the leader of various organizations on Eltar. During a job as a Cop on the planet, he had to kill a serial killer in self defense and he discovered he ran out of bullets but didn't realize it until the last thing that came out which wasn't a bullet at all. The thing that came out was a special Red seed that activated immediately and allowed him the power to morph into the Alpha Z Ranger

Powers: The Alpha Z Ranger is the American counterpart of Super Sentai's AkaRed that was introduced in Boukenger vs Super Sentai and later appeared in Gokaiger. Alpha Z Ranger shares the same powers as AkaRed does but Alpha Z can morph into any of the primary Red Rangers and he can also summon any of their weapons and other arsenal as well including the zords. He can use some Megazords regardless of their fates but it depends on whether they originally had an auto pilot system for some of their zords or not.

Gruook 04/15/17 09:09 PM

Re: Create a Ranger
Name: Wesley Grubberg
Height 5’5”
Weight: 130lbs
Age: 32
Ethnicity: Caucasian with some other nationals into him.
Origin: He’s from Hamilton, Ohio.

Body Type: Natural Skinny.

Planet: Grutoden.

Ranger Team Affiliation: Rebel Force

Bio: He was created with all the energy of all the past Rangers' powers. He was lab rat for Branorseek Empire aka The Emperor Whall Branorseek. He was fused with all the old powers of the old Power Ranger's powers leftovers. He lost his memories due to his being tested on. He loves to watch professional wrestling, Wants to learn how to play the Harp, He wants to learn how to due all the Ballroom dances. He love playing strategy games like Chess, Checkers and Stratego. He helps out with Kids church. He’s creative, witty and once awhile he’s a prankster. He loves to help others. He hates the Empire so much he created the Rebel Force Rangers. He's Black Ranger. He's the lost son of Zordon & Dimitria. He first serves the Empire but he fell in love with one of the future rangers.

Powers: Shape-shifting, Intangibility, Teleportation, Invisibility, Magnetism Manipulation and Regeneration.


Pegacorn (Purple)
Pegasus (Pink)
Phoenix (Yellow)
Kraken (Blue)
Griffin (Green)
Sphinx (Black)

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