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MingyMingyJongo 06/12/01 12:26 AM

You know we always talk about best or coolest villian or even most powerful. But who was the meanest. The biggest bully? If there are any others just post them.

Frax2001AD 06/12/01 02:52 AM

um *chough* Queen Banshera *chough* y didnt u include her she was on evil bitch ;) anyways my vote goes for banshera

JustAnotherBlueRanger 06/12/01 03:18 AM

Well the 'meanest' award has to go to Darkonda, he was just malicious, kidnapping a little kid.

the others all changed or at least have a little depth to their character: Rasnik=Magneto and Ecliptor=honorable warrior.

Deviot struck me as being a wannabe Darkonda, never going far enough though.

Lord Zedd in the begining was the meanest but, over time he changed and lighted up. If he still was the meanest Zordon's wave would have likely destroyed him.

X1 Mask 06/12/01 05:08 PM

Well, if they had done something with Dai Satan in MMPR,, maybe it would be him, but I'm gonna go with Bansheera, Diabolico even switched sides against her. She didn't even care about her own son. She's one mean ass bitch and a half! :)

MiChaos 06/12/01 05:54 PM

Out of the list, it has to be Darkonda, for the same reasons JustAnotherBlueRanger said, he kidnapped a little child and had no remorse. He even fought against Eclipter in Rangers Leap of Faith. At least Eclipter had honour, most of the time. And as for Zedd, he and Rita babe were used as a comedy element in PRZ/PRT/PRIS. They were evil, but not mean...you know what I mean :)
But the award has to go to Banshera. She killed/absorbed Vypra, turned against Diabolico and Olympus, sacrificed Loki, and was just plain Power Crazy, or just crazy!! She's one evil and extremely mean bitch!

Seabreeze2002 06/14/01 01:20 PM

I would say Queen Bansheera, but I don't like Ransik's laugh (esp. when he "killed" Alex, it made me shiver!)

Frax2001AD 06/14/01 03:50 PM

I thought that laugh was awsome it was very good acting bye veron wells or whatever his name is.

jenlovesalex 06/14/01 03:52 PM

Darkonda definitely he was really mean didn't like him at all then I think Lord Zedd.

jenlovesalex 06/14/01 03:53 PM

Darkonda definitely he was really mean didn't like him at all then I think Lord Zedd.To many of them have a soft side I mean Ransik does with Nadira Ecliptor did with Astronema and the rest were all pure evil.

Seabreeze2002 06/14/01 05:18 PM

I didn't say the laugh was bad, it just gave me the shivers lol

MorphinTime 06/14/01 08:34 PM

I'd have to say bansheera, all the way.

Natinspace 06/18/01 06:45 PM

Though definitely not the meanest, a contestant would be Captain Mutiny. He put tons of people into slavery with no remorse. But my pick would be Darkonda, because of what all he did to Karone, along with his deception.

Deviot 10/04/01 03:53 AM

Well, since he was on the list I voted for Deviot. But for me it has always been Queen Bansheera. As everyone has said, she was one evil bitch!

Morbius 10/06/01 01:59 AM

My vote goes to Ransik. I saw something worse then his laugh when he murdered Alex. It was his smile at Jen. I've watched that brilliant scene 100 times, he smiled at her and then killed him. Although Ransik has failed to murder anyone yet, he totally has theh portrait of a murderer. The way he let Dr. Ferricks burn in his lab, and took out Mr. Collins, Ransik is a murderer.

astromegazord 10/06/01 07:27 AM

Re: Ransik
Darkonda, easiyl. Not only did he go after the RAngers but he betrayed Dark Specter by killing him. Pure Evil.

Karone Astro2 01/21/02 12:35 AM

Re: Ransik
I say Deviot because he makes all these secret plots to kill even other bad guys. He virtually assasinated Scorpius (indirectly) and almost killed Trakeena too.

fireforce 01/21/02 07:19 AM

Re: Ransik
Darkonda,Deviot, bansheera,machine empire.

Lord Zedd was pretty mean too but then they had him turn into the drunk husnabd on cops, alway arguing with his wife.

Homer56712 05/26/02 12:28 AM

Re: Ransik
I have to say Darkonda


psychic ranger 01/16/11 10:58 AM

Bansheera she killed Vypra and Dtbolico kill Loki

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