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monkeyjb1988 10/30/14 04:40 PM

US Zord Footage
Hey everyone. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what episodes of Power Rangers had US zord footage. I was going to compile a list for RangerWiki. I planned on researching it but before I did, I was going to ask here because, c'mon, it would be an insult to not ask.

Here are the episodes I know have US Zord footage:
Best Man for the Job
Ninja Quest
Changing of the Zords

Shadow Rangers

Countdown to Destruction

Lost Galaxy:
Power of Pink
Escape the Lost Galaxy
Journey's End

Lightspeed Rescue:
Fate of Lightspeed


And of course, the two theatrical movies. For giggles, I'm counting Zyu2 although it was shot in Japan.

I know I'm missing a few and I'm sure most of them were from Space and Lost Galaxy (and I probably one or two MMPR). Thank you for any help you can give. (thumbs up emoticon)

chronoxiong 10/30/14 04:42 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
Whipped out my Shout Factory DVDs and took screencaps just for you buddy!

MMPR Season 3
"A Friend In Need Pt. 3"


"A Chimp In Charge"
This fight was totally different from the Kakuranger fight.

monkeyjb1988 10/30/14 04:43 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
Dude you spoiled me. (knight dance emoticn) I didn't know those episodes had US footage and love the pics. Huge help :)

chronoxiong 10/30/14 04:43 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
No problem man. That's all I could think of so I don't believe I missed anything else.

monkeyjb1988 10/30/14 04:44 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
Hey, that's two I didn't know. Trust me, you helped :) Thanks again.

Kamen Rider IXA 10/30/14 04:45 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
I may be wrong on this, but I don't remember Megaranger using their zords to stop asteroid.

It's Power Rangers in Space: Dark Specter's Revenge part 1 and 2

monkeyjb1988 10/30/14 04:45 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
I'll check that out. Thanks.

I'm working on the page. I'll post a link as soon as I can.

SirStack 10/30/14 04:46 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
For MMPR, there are a few quick shots of the Thunder Megazord in "The Power Stealer".

I guess you could count all uses of toy Titanus for the Ninja Ultrazord and Shogun Ultrazord in MMPR Season 3.

If you did that, then toy/CGI Pyramidas in Zeo's "Revelations of Gold" would count as well.

For Turbo, you're missing the Movie, "Built for Speed", and "Chase into Space, Part I". And "Bicycle Built for the Blues" had a use of the Tommy's Turbozord.

Space, as previously mentioned, "Dark Specter's Revenge, Pt. 1" and part 2. And I guess there's a lot of eps with US Astro Megaship footage, as well.

Lost Galaxy, you're missing "Loyax' Last Battle", which had Galaxy Megazord in new stuff.

Lightspeed Rescue, "The Queen Returns" had an original Lightspeed Solarzord shot, I believe.

Time Force, "Clash for Control, Pt 1" & part 2 have Q-Rex. "Quantum Secrets" has Q-Rex Warrior Mode and Shadow Force Megazord. There's another ep with a quick Shadow Force appearance but I can't recall it off the top of my head right now.

Wild Force there's some US CGI shots of various Wildzords throughout, but as for suits, Predazord & Animus are in "The End of the Power Rangers, Pt. 1"

monkeyjb1988 10/30/14 04:47 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
Thanks man. I'll get to work on adding them. Thanks :)

monkeyjb1988 10/30/14 04:48 PM

Re: US Zord Footage
Page is up. :)


Thank you again, all of you for helping me research this. I linked this thread in my comments for the creation. Thank you again. :)

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