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Old 09/18/09, 10:10 PM   #7
Power Ranger
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Join Date: 07/17/09
Posts: 156

Several good points, Tendou. Good to know someone actually agrees with me out there. But the budget was actually part of the concern to the web pages that had already counted Colossus out. If they were to feature all of the spectacle of the game, it would be on a par to James Cameron's Avatar as far as budget. (Then again I have seen much accomplished on a meager budget...) I can only imagine that the number of 16 in-game Colossi would be close to halved, and strangely I don't have a problem with this. And even if the movie fails to live up to the game as far as the in-game sense of desolation, it could at least make up for by exploring an aforementioned expanded universe. The desolation feel probably would fail in a movie anyway because the audience isn't directly involved like in a videogame. The potential for greatness is there. Thanks, Tendou, for pointing that out.

Also, as you probably already know District 9 was the result of the production team that had already been asembled for a Halo live-action flick, before the company pulled out. It was recently listed by IGN as one of the films in development hell right alongside Jurassic Park IV. The difference is that Microsoft seems to have enough faith in Halo to try and draw more attention to it.

Anyway, thanks for the good word.
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