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Old 01/23/11, 04:57 PM   #1
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Default Where did the Onyx Deck come from?

Where did Onyx come from?

It was never fully explained where the Onyx Deck came from. Since there was no Ventarian counterpart. Kit just had nightmares about Onyx , only for the Advent Master to give him the deck.

Perhaps it was a deck that the Advent Master had just constructed before his original battle with Xaviax. Maybe he somehow always new Kit would become Onyx? It also could have been a fail safe in case something happened to the Dragon Knight Deck.

Or perhaps Eublon actually had the power to summon it from Kit's nightmares? But that seems to contradict the explanation that the Advent Beast was appearing to Kit in his nightmares. But perhaps it was really the Dragon Beast we saw in Dragon Knight. And Eublon just used the nightmares to create the new powers.
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