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Old 12/02/14, 10:57 AM   #3
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Default Re: How come water has a negative affect on the morphed state?

Water itself doesn't have a negative effect on the morphed state, we've seen numerous instances in which Rangers can be underwater.

Megazord and Dragonzord fought Oysterizer underwater.
The Alien Rangers.
Zeo Ranger IV, Green did that routinely with his Super Zeozord.
A few of the Rangers such as Tori and Madison due to their water powers.

Yes the water demorphed Kat during the Turbo Movie as she was falling down from a high cliff but it wasn't because of the water itself but because of the impact. While falling into water can in theory lessen the impact of one's fall if you fall from too high of a jump like she did it's not going to matter too much and the force of that impact will still be quite forceful... so forceful in fact that it canceled out her morph which ordinarily it would just demorph her if she was morphed at the time.
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