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Old 12/26/14, 10:06 PM   #4
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Default Re: Why hasn't Power Rangers done a season with a human villain?

How about a villain who's a horribly mutated public service announcement writer who pretty much only became a super villain because he was one of those people who watch tv, and movies, and read comics, and thought even he could be a super villain, and then something weird happened and he got powers so he said "fuck it", and decided to be one.

Also he tries to subvert a lot of the various tropes, and cliches of super villains but ends up playing them straight.

Like he wants to have a very big army, and send it all at once but he has to hire all of his monsters off Craigslist, and his insurance only covers one person a week.

And he only has enough money to make or hire like five or six henchmen at a time.

And he has this evil plan to turn everyone into robots if he's one, or mutants if he's one, etc, but afterwards he's going to move to Florida, and smoke crack everyday.
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