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Old 01/21/15, 07:40 PM   #7
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Lost Memories written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Bilzek

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where he just talks about his memories of his father, and how today’s episode is about memories.

We then go to Tao dojo where the Troopers are teaching a karate class when Tao tells them they’re doing it wrong then an old lady just randomly wanders into the dojo.

Kaitlin ask if she lives nearby, and the old lady reveals she has amnesia or at least the TV version where you forget everything that happened to you but you can still talk, and make new memories.

Anyway at Ziktor industries we find out that she got amnesia because Ziktor evicted her from one of his apartment complexes (I thought he was an energy magnate now he’s a real estate magnate?), and if he doesn’t do something it could ruin his reputation (what reputation everyone already knows he’s an asshole, it’s just that the mayor’s a wimp) so he transforms into Grimlord.

Back at the dojo Tao has made the woman soup while a doctor has checked up on her, and confirms that her amnesia is emotional induced, and JB decides to check the missing persons database while Kaitlin decides to do a story about her.

Ryan gets a message from the Professor telling him he has a surprise while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders
Ivar, and Icebot to send in an unseen robot called Laserbot to Crossworld City.

At the Undergound Voice Daily Kailtin pitches her story to Woody which leads to a comedy bit while at Tao Dojo the old woman is interrupting Tao in the middle of a lesson to tailor him when two of Ziktors secretaries come in claiming to be the woman’s daughters but JB suspects something so he follows them back to their car when Tao asks for proof, and a Skug fight breaks out.

First they try to fly at JB but he just punches them out. Then he kicks them, then one tries to come after him but he flips it over. Then the other Skug tries to kick JB but he doges, and it gets it’s foot stuck in a car door so JB beats it up, and finally they try to come at him but he throws them both in the back of the truck, and destroys them.
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