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Old 01/27/15, 08:44 PM   #7
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Ryan does a jump kick against Hammerbot who throws mini axes at Ryan but he just doges them, and then Ryan scans Hammerbot but can’t find any weak spots then Hammerbot almost hits Ryan with an axe, and tires to hit him with his hammer.

Meanwhile JB pulls out his laser saber to attack Spiderbot who gives some rather funny comments about hating kids with attitude, and fires a laser at JB who dodges, and leaps at Spiderbot who catches him, and kicks him away.

Hammerbot tries to hit Ryan with his hammer but Ryan keeps getting out of the way while Spiderbot, and JB fire lasers at each other, and JB blows Spiderbot’s arms off but Spiderbot traps him with a laser disc from his back.

Hammerbot keeps trying to hit Ryan with his hammer but Ryan is still dodging but Hammerbot hits him, and Ryan tries to block with a Shovel but Hammerbot breaks it , and Ryan can barely keep dodging Hammerbot’s swings.

Quantum Cruisers, and jet fighters try to attack the Skybase but Kaitlin destroys them with missles while JB breaks out of the laser disc, and Laser Lances Spiderbot into oblivion.

Ryan once again dodges Hammerbot’s hammer swings, and does a jump kick knocking away his hammer, and breaking his helmet (and if you pause, and look for it you can see that he’s really a Japanese guy underneath), and Ryan is about to finish off Hammerbot with his own hammer when Hammerbot’s pleas for mercy remind him that’s not the right way, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance.

Later at the tournament has just one more match against a random boy named Kowalski, and if she wins it she can still make 3rd place, and at first it looks like she might lose but with some encouragement from Tao she wins, Tao congratulates her, and Officer Johsnon gives the check to Ryan.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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