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Old 03/02/15, 09:02 AM   #4
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 14

*Serena finishes cleaning and checks on the kids, feeds them and puts them down for a nap and than starts on making tea for Em as well as a bowl of soup knowing Mike is with her*

*Em moves a little and winces as she lays there opening her eyes*

~Jayden walks outside~

*Looks at Lauren*

Are you ok? did he hurt you anywhere?

I'm fine well when i tried helping him up he pushed me then trapped me in a green beam then made me disappear the next thing i knew i was chained to the train tracks those chains really hurt my arms i hit my head hard on the tracks those chains cut into my arms and left bruises but my head hurts worse your not the only one who knows who Psy Green is i found out when he showed up at the tracks in human form telling me he had to go to practice then the next thing i know he changed to Psy Green Kev is not going to be happy about it maybe we should head back home they don't know we are engaged not even Jay.

*Em weakly calls out as she thought she saw or heard Jayden and got up but fell on the floor*

Mike, Serena anyone a little help please.

*Serena was still in the kitchen making soup for Em and something for Mike and didn't hear anything*

~Jays hears Em and walks back inside then helps Em~

*Em sees him and weakly says*

When did you get back and I thought I saw you and got up but fell.

I just got back this morning.

Well I'm still weak from giving birth and kinda took it to far helping the others, what I'm trying to say is I'm not strong enough to walk or help.

You will be.

That's gonna take a while since I can hardly move, Serena is making soup and Mike is taking a shower.

I see, what can I help you with.

Back into bed I guess I can't do anything being so weak I want some air but I'd have you to help me to the window sill so I can sit.

~Jay kneels down and picks Em up then walks outside with her~

Thanks Jay you do know you live here right.

Welcome, Yes i know.

*Em sits down*

Why don't you ever come and check on me when the others were fighting or try to help them.

I will.

Thanks I wanted to help fight but when I tried I feel to the ground hurting since I was still weak I'm never gonna get better.


Don't say never.

It's true I had Serena help them, and Mike stayed with me and I appreciate it but I can't keep him with me when he can fight.

I can look after you while the others fight.
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