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Old 03/02/15, 09:08 AM   #10
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 20

*Appears in the sky*

You humans are so petite....


Don't worry I won't let the golden boy fall to his doom....


*Em was still resting at home*

Yeah I'm fine...

*Hugs Lauren*

I knew it was a trap when we were fighting the Moogers i have a bad feeling about this it isn't over yet Hugs you back.

So what do we do go home relax and wait or something.

Well I'm just glad to be back home with you.

I know but did i do the right thing by giving him the double fire smasher disc he didn't give me a choice.

You did what?

*Looks at you with concern*

He made a deal with me the double fire smasher disc for you or keep it and never see you again i never want to lose you.

Awww...I don't blame you I would of done the same thing....but I just wish I knew what he was planning after all he took our super samurai mode and now he took the double fire smasher.

All i know is it's not over yet why did he need the disc for it only works for me.

That might be his plan Lauren.

I think he just wants the power from it after all look at what he did with the black box.

well atleast we still have 2 more ace in the hole.

What do you mean that might be his plan and what 2 more aces in the hole.

He must be planning something big.

Just as long as we keep him from knowing about shark mode and shogun mode we're still golden.

He took the double power disk, that was our source to the shogun mode.

*Back in the neitherworld*

Yes I have the disc....and I also hold the power of their super samurai power as well as all 5 of my psycho to use all this new found power to bring back my family.

Are you kidding.

Oh yeah I forgot....well then in that case at least we still have shark mode.

The only ones who used shark mode was Mike and Jay.

We have to get the others back.

How we don't have any modes that will work and the only weapon he couldn't copy was the fire smasher.

*Still back in the neitherworld I walk over to the machine and put the disc in the machine*

now to turn it on.

*flips the switch and starts draining the power from the disc*

yes its all is left is for me to...

*walks into the blast extracting the ghosts of the psycho rangers from me*


*the machine stops and I drop to one knee changing back to my original form*

He's probably planning to bring his family back to rule the earth this is all my fault first he takes the codes out of the black box now he has my double fire smasher disc i should never have let him take the black box and the disc Gets my spin sword out has it in my hand and starts walking.

Lauren, Go train outside to blow off some steam.


*Stops you*

Its not your fault...he's just been one step ahead of us is all...we just need to plan a strategy to counter act his attacks.

*A few hours later the pills still on the table opened, Em gets up and walks into the bathroom to wash, leaves a note for Mike, and heads out of the house and to the park where she finds a bench and lays down with her feet up resting her eyes knowing she's gonna be in trouble when Mike finds out what she did and how many pills she took*

Nothing like a cool breeze while I lay here and think.

Everytime his plan is to seperate us and one thing i know is the only way to get to you all is to take me down i'm leader afterall.

*Still back in neitherworld I look up and see the psycho rangers emerge better then ever*

My fellow psycho rangers....

*Drops to one knee*

I'm to weak for now to fight with you but you guys go and challenge them blasted rangers.

Psy Red: Yes psy green we will find them rangers and we will tear them apart.

*Psy rangers vanishes*
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