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Old 03/02/15, 09:48 AM   #5
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 15

*The lightening storm stops*

Vekar: Who was that causing that destruction?

Levira: I don't know your majesty but what do you want us to do with the rangers?

Vekar: I want to get revenge for them destroying my brother...Demaras find the monster that was just attacking the rangers.

Demaras: Your majesty the monster was destroyed by the rangers.

Vekar: No he wasn't...the monster can absorb power and lots of it and with my help I can make him go find him and Levira send in the X-Borgs...its time to start the invasion...

Levira: Yes your majesty.

*Summons the x-borgs and send them to earth*

Vekar: Those rangers don't know who they are dealing with...they picked the wrong prince to make a enemy...the rangers are going to pay for destroying my brother.

*Hears the lightening stop and the attack starts*

Hey do you guys hear that?

*Goes outside to check it out*

Gosei: Rangers...morph now.

Guess we should morph just hope that monster doesn't come back.

Gia I don't know if this is a good idea we don't know who were fighting against. need to morph now...morph morph morph.

On it Gosei!.

*Grabs card and morpher*


*Inserts card and morphs*

Megaforce Black!.

Gets my morpher out inserts card and morphs GO GO MEGAFORCE!!! MEGAFORCE YELLOW!!!.

*Pulls out my morpher and card and inserts it*

GO Go MegaForce, MegaForce Pink.

*Pulls out morpher and inserts card*


*Sends the X-borgs to earth attacking and scaring everyone*

Rangers there are attacks all over the city get there fast.

Ok Gosei...we're on it, i'm going to go check out the school.

*Runs through town fighting and blasting x-Borgs along the way*

*Still hurt from last fight*

Jake are you sure your ok, i'll go check Ernie's.

*Runs to Ernie's and blasts X-Borgs*

I'm sure.

*Holds side in pain*


*Calls Gia*

Gia I don't think Jake is able to fight.

I can bring him back to the command center.

Tensou teleport Jake back here he's not able to fight.

*Tensou teleports Jake back to the Command Center*

*Holds onto Gia, Hurting*

Oh man that last fight was bad.

Yeah i hope the others are ok you sure your fine.


*Takes off helmet*

Just need a little break, i'm sure when the others are done they'll be here.

Me too just rest and we will wait for the others Takes my helmet off.

*Catches my breath*

Oh man.

This is worse than Vrak's army.

Way worse, I hope the others can do it by themselves.

I'm sure they can i just hope Troy finds Robo knight.

*Emma runs to Ernie's and blast a few borgs and sees someone and helps him up*

I took care of them.

*Gets to the school and fight off some of the borgs*

Ok that takes care of them but whats that sound*

*Walks over to the corner and see some students*

Ok they are gone now go help Mr. Burley get the school back to normal.

*Emma helps him up*

I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you your safe now.

*Emma walks out of Ernie's heading back to the command center*

*Walks out the school towards the command center*

*Emma heads to the command center and stops just outside to catch her breath*

*Turns around hearing someone come down the steps*

Turns around fast.

*I come walking in the room*

Whoa there are machines everywhere....they just won't let up or give up.

Walks over hugging you.

Vekar: Demaras What is the progress.

Demaras: We have the humans on the run.

Vekar: Good lets not take any chances...send more X-Borgs at once.

Demaras: Yes sire...

*Sends more X-Borgs to earth*

*Emma soon walks in*

They all here someone walk in.

*See's Troy*

Oh man, thank goodness it's just you.

*Sees Troy and relaxes as I lean against the wall*

Walks in looking at Gosei.

Gosei have you heard from Robo Knight.

*Looks at Troy they Gosei*

*Looks at Troy, Jake and the others and rubs my stomach*

Umm Troy can I talk to you for a second, sorry Gosei.

In due time we will see Robo Knight again but in the meantime I have something that can aid you against the Armada.

*Gives you all your new morphers*

These is your new morphers with your new morphers you have access to a new mode called legend mode.

Awesome this is exactly the kind of edge we need against the Armada.

In order to unlock the legend mode you will need these keys.

*Gives the rangers their keys*

You also have access with all the rangers powers and zords that came before you through the keys you see surrounding the command center but it takes extreme strength to master this great power.

*Looks at Gosei*

We can use all these powers.

The aliens are in for a big surprise.

Its not going to be easy but with practice we can master these powers and really take it to the Armada.

Now go rangers and let your new powers protect you.

I just want to get this over with.

Wait am i the only one, Who notices i got the wrong color?

*We all look at Gosei as I pull on Troy's arm and whispers*


Jake there is a logical explanation for that.

*Sends more X-Borgs and Brusiers to attack the earth*

Looks at Emma.

What is it.

*Alarm goes off*

Tensou: The Armada sent more X-Borgs and Bruisers to earth.

Guys lets put these new powers to the test.

Rangers ready.


You guys go ahead Troy and I will be right there.


Um I think it's about time.

Let's get this done.

No not now.

Lets go guys.

*Runs out the command center*

I think so Troy but we have to fight what do we do.

You stay here with Jake i'll go fight.

Gets to the city first and sees alot of X-Borgs*

Whoa.....there is so many of them.

Be careful.

*I power down and sit down as I start to push and a few minutes later the baby is out*

Gosei teleport me to the hospital I need to have them watch her for me while I help the others til Jake gets here.

Runs to the city rangers lets go super.

*Teleports Emma and the baby to the hospital*

So glad for you guys to show up...lets do it.

Its morphin time.

*Emma gets to the hospital with their daughter*

Excuse me can you keep her here we'll be back I have to take care of something I gave birth her name is Angel Rose Burrows,

Nurse: Sure Mrs. Burrows good luck.

*Nurse puts her in a crib in the nursery*

*Runs out of the hospital*

It's morphin time Go Go Mega Force.


Did I miss anything.

Nope you didn't miss anything we still don't know where Jake is.

*Pulls out my legendary morpher*


Prob thinking.

*Pulls out my legendary morpher*

Let's do this.

*Looks over at Troy and whispers*

Our little girl is at the hospital I brought her there she's safe.

Pulls out my legendary morpher and morphs.

*The X-Borgs and Brusiers start to attack*

*Starts fighting the X-Borgs and Brusiers*

*I run and blast them as I charge at them trying not to feel pain*

Gets my sword slashing them.

Hey Emma here double the fire power.

*Tosses you my blaster*

Charges at them hitting them with blaster and sword Em you ok.

Thanks Noah.

*Grabs it and blasts them with both*

Yeah I'm fine.

Shoots the X-Borgs.

This new super mega mode is amazing.

*Slashes the X-Borgs*

*After I fire at them I keep going and get them all as I sit down*

Yes it is Noah catch.

*Throws you my saber*

Uses both swords slashing them all Sure is Em you sure your ok.

Yeah just need a breather those things are tough.

Let's go one more step.

*Looks at Troy*

What one more step.

Walks over helping you up.

Guys lets try the keys.

*Takes her hand*

Thanks alright let's.

Welcome Yeah let's surprise them.

*Catches the saber*

Thanks Em.

*Keeps slashing the X-Borgs*

Who should we morph into.

SPD rangers puts red SPD ranger key in my legendary morpher morphs into red SPD Ranger.

Double the swords double the slashing.

*Keeps slashing them*

*Puts pink SPD key in*

SPD Emergency, Noah how's it going with the sabers.

*Blasts them again*

Gia use my blaster.

*Throws it to her*

I'm ok Emma just trying to keep these guys down but they don't know when to quit.

*Pulls out my SPD key and legendary morpher*

Legendary mode....SPD!!! SPD emergency!!!.

We have to keep them down I don't know how long I can keep this up, i'm getting tired.

Tensou: Gosei they're doing it they're doing it.

Catches it and blasts them all again.

Pulls out my SPD key and legendary morpher* Legendary mode....SPD!!!. SPD emergency!!!. Em how long can you go.

The legend mode is awesome.

*Blasting more X-Borgs*

Yes it is and not to long Gia.

*Blasts them again*

Sure is hang on Em Blasts them all.

*Headridge shows up blasting the rangers from out of nowhere*


*Gets sent flying*

Whoa where did he came from.

Go get them now.

*Sends in more X-Borgs and Brusiers to attack the rangers*

*Keeps blasting the X-Borgs and Bruisers*

Whoa these things don't know when to quit....hey Troy should we switch it up.

*Goes down hard*

I don't know but we've got more trouble.

*Looks at them*

Gia I'm sorry I'm getting more and more tired, you and Noah have to work together.

You should go back to the command center and rest Noah Em can't keep going.

I'm alright Gia.

*Uses my morpher and morphs into my ranger form*

Right...let's step it up a notch.

*Pulls out my legendary morpher and mystic force key*

Legendary mode....mystic force!!!! Magical source....mystic force!!.

Let's just get this done.

I think you rangers are having an identity crisis.

*Blasts the last few*

There let's get him now.

*Runs in at Headridge*

Be careful guys Noah use my saber and Gia use my blaster.

Catches your blaster Just rest we can handle this.

*Grabs legendary morpher and morphs into my legendary form, and swings in blasting X-Borgs and Bruisers*

Woo! Sorry to keep you waiting guys.

*Lays back holding my side*

Finally where were you.

*Catches your saber*

Thanks Emma...Jake catch your going to need it i have my mystic staff.

*Tosses the saber to Jake*

Catches it*

Thanks buddy! Gia saber coming your way.

*Kicks sword to Gia*

Catches your saber and slshes them all.

Blasts and slashes them.

Enough toying with you rangers....

*Blasts all the rangers*

*Looks at them*

Guys watch out Gia throw me something.

Throws you Troy's blaster.

Blocks the blasts.



Now it's getting to be legendary key time.

*Catches it and blasts the monster as I try to stand but fall to my knees*

Leave them alone.

*Gets blasted out of legendary mode*

Gosei is right legendary mode is hard to maintain... but good thing our super mega powers can hold up.

Em are you ok.

Yeah I'm fine, Gia help me to my feet I'm going after this freak.

*Walks over to everyoneI*

Legendary key mode guys?.

Helps you up Are you sure.

Go for it Jake, yeah I'm sure.

*Gets up*

Hey freak over here come get me.

Emma what are you doing.

Don't worry I have a plan, Jake when that monster comes at me I need you and the others to attack.

*Grabs Mystic Green key and morpher*

Magical sorce Mystic Force!.

*Puts in key and morphs to Green Mystic Ranger*

You got it Em.

Noah, Gia get ready.

*Whistles to him*

Come and get me.

Ok if your sure.

Em be careful.

Trust me on this guys I'm smarter than this freak.

*Looks apologetically at Noah*

No offense Noah.

I'm just ready to take this freak down.

I know just get ready for him.

I'm just waiting for this to be over.

Me too.

Who are you calling a freak....power geeks.

*Fires at the rangers*

Guys now.

*Moves out of the way*

*Blocks it with my duel sabers*

*Grabs wand and fires*

Blocks and blasts him.

Never mess with us.

*Sits down and watches*

*Jumps and slashes him with both sabers*

*Throws Gia the blaster back*

Troy here.

Catches it.

Thanks just rest this should be over soon.

*Turns back to legendary mode*

Oh man, It's hard keeping those modes.

*Blast him with both guns*



Your not getting rid of me that easily.

*Lays back and soon falls asleep*

Looks over at Em. Wow she must have been really tired she fell asleep.

Rangers by inserting your keys into your sabers you can combine all your powers together.

Emma gave me her saber she fell asleep. Puts my key and Emma's key in our sabers.

Puts my key in my saber.

Got it Gosei.

*Grabs my key and inserts it into my blaster*

*Inserts my key into my saber*

Ready guys.

I'm always ready.


Ready as ever.

*Charges the energy*




*Takes the full hit*

Nooo this can't be.

*Falls blowing up*

Rangers there is another attack...sending you the coordinates now.

Got it Gosei...our job isn't done yet guys lets go.

*Runs to the next attack*

Thanks Gosei.

*Emma wakes up and follows them*

Follows behind them.

*Gets there and starts fighting more X-Borgs and Brusiers*

These things don't let up do they...hey Jake toss me your saber

*Tosses you my blaster*

Hey Em have a nice nap Follows them.

Kinda still sore but I think I can handle it so who are we going against.

Good here's your saber back. Hands it back.

Blasts and slashes them.

*Takes it and slashes them*

Slashes them all.

Coming your way buddy.

*Tosses sword and catches blaster and blast X-Borgs*

*Catches the saber and slashes the X-Borgs*

Uses saber whips slashing the X-Borgs destroying them.

*Blasts them*

I'm gonna find that monster.

*Shows up with more X-Borgs and Bruisers*

You rangers looking for me.

Oh no more of them.

*Slashes the X-Borgs and Bruisers*

These things just don't know when to stay down.

We have to defeat them so we can destroy the monster.

*Emma sees the monster*

Yes we are.

*Runs towards the monster*

We need to get this done so we can relax after this is over we could use the new zords to defeat this monster.

*Looks at the monster*

I'm gonna finish him off and than go to the hospital and check on Kim.

*Laughs* Give me your best shot...rangers.

You messed with the wrong ranger.

*Charges and blasts him*

*Defends off the last few x-borgs and Bruisers and joins Emma*

Troy, Gia, Noah I'll tell you when to take over let me have some fun with him first.

I just want to get this over with.

Gia chill alright monster let's finish this.

Good luck Emma.

I don't know about that I'm starting to feel tired and all remember I gave birth just before the fight.

What made you come here to fight after that.

You all needed help I dropped her off at the hospital and came here.

You should have rested until you felt better to help us.

I'll stop if he hurts me you guys take over.

Emma, We can't let you fight after you gave birth.

Just try to stop me I want to teach this creep a lesson I promise if I get tired I'll stop unless I bleed.

Emma I can't let you fight this monster by yourself after you just gave birth I'm helping if you like it or not...besides I have bad feeling this thing is tougher than he looks.

Noah's right this monster doesn't go down fast like the others.

They are right.

Alright fine go ahead and fight him i need to sit down.

*Emma goes to sit down*

Em there is a bottle of water next to you sure your not bleeding.

I'm fine just tired and sore nothing new I swear that monster attacks I'm kicking butt.

Alright, Let's do it Rangers.

*Emma sits there drinking water and soon passes out*

Runs over to Emma and tries to get her to wake up.

Looks over at Emma then runs to her


She's not waking up we have to defeat the monster but she can't stay here.

Ha ha rangers are finish now.

*Summons more x borgs*

X-borgs attack!!.

Guys we have company....

*starts fighting off the X Borgs*

Not these things again don't they ever quit.

*Emma tries to wake up and opens her eyes as she tries to sit up*

I guess....not.

*Still fighting off the x borgs*

*Sees the X borgs and slowly gets to my feet as I pull out my phoenix shot and fires*

Nice one Em Uses sword whip destroying x-borg and bruisers.

Hey Em glad to see your awake...I can use an extra slashing power over here.

*Keeps fighting off the x borgs with one saber*

*Smiles as I take out my extra sword*


*Throws it to you*

Right back at you.

*Tosses my blaster and catches the saber*

Thanks...double the power.

*double slashing the x borgs left and right*

I hate these ugly things they need to stay away for good Still destroying them.

*Blasts them*

Gia here throws you both triple the power.

Thanks Catces them throws you my blaster.

*Blasts them again and again*

Gia when your done help me up I'm going after that monster.

Just be careful Keeps slashing them destroying them.

I will.

*Finishes blasting them all to*

You rangers can handle a bunch of x borgs but your no match for me....

*Fires my missiles at the rangers*

Guys watch out Em catch. Throws you back your sword Blocks the missles. I won't let you hurt them.

Guys look out.

*Dodges the missiles*

This monster isn't messing around guys I think we should go lets go legendary.

I Can see that.

*I slowly get to my feet and charge at him*

Megaforce Pink, your right Noah let's Super megaforce Pink.

Pulls out the weapon and charges at him*

You and me this time freak.

Little pink ranger to the rescue....


You can't stop me....

Watch me creep.

*Charges at him*

I'm stronger than ever.

I'll be the judge of that....

*Stands there in defense*

Give me your best shot.

You asked for it.

*Charges with my sword and goes for the attack*

*Defends off the attack*

*I catch my breath*

One way or another your going down.

*Charges again*

Em please be careful.

You worry to much guys get ready to attack.

Of course i do i worry about the whole team.

*Rolls eyes as I blast him as I keep attacking*
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