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Old 03/23/15, 12:01 AM   #14
MattEmily's Avatar
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Default Re: A full American Ranger Series

Originally Posted by Sammy W View Post
Something has been on my mind lately. I think they should make an all
american power rangers show not just taking from Japanese footage and
adding american actors or americanised actors. Dont get me wrong the
japan series is kewl, they have death, blood, and so on. have outfits
that japan hasnt used, zords, weapons, and so on.I know we have the
technology to do this and keep the blood and stuff in it because they
should show that the rangers can get hurt not just sparks coming out.
Make the show realistic. RPM I am going to be iffy about because of the
zords having faces. they are vehicle know if they wouldve been more
like KITT or something. If they are gonna use japanese footage for RPM
it should have been what the japanese called Maskman footage. The shows
should be more real and less cartoony.
It wouldn't make any business sense to do so. The whole point of using Sentai footage is to make it cheaper.
Yes they have the technology to show that the Rangers can be injured but they don't want to do that there's a reason why they have those "contact sparks" and that's one of those reasons.
They weren't going to use Maskman footage for anything the footage is way too old and nothing suit-wise (except for the Ranger suits) even exists anymore so Power Rangers wouldn't be able to re-shoot anything.
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