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Old 07/02/15, 09:25 PM   #239
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at A Hard Day's Mutant written by David Avalonne, and directed by Al Winchel.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that it takes time, and perseverance to learn something.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Brandon Sands a member of a rock band The Krossworld Kids thanks Kaitlin for a story she wrote about them.

Then everyone swarms him for autographs, and Woody tells Kaitlin that the homeless shelter will close due to a lack of money, and she convinces Brandon to hold a benefit concert, and he agrees.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor has been reading from the Power Rangers villain playbook because he wants to get his hands on the Krossworld Kids.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his plan, and Despera creates a white mutant with drums on it's chest named Bongotron, and Grimlord orders him to steal the Krossworld Kids' talent.

At Tao dojo the Krossworld Kids are playing a sound check while Kaitlin takes pictures, and a crowd of teenage girls appears, and the girls explain that they're the official Krossworld Kids Fan Club.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord checks on Ivar at his underground base, and orders Despera to distract the Troopers while Doom Master kidnaps the Krossworld Kids.

Kaitlin gets a call from Woody telling to go to the power plant for a story but it's really Despera, and when Kaitlin goes there a worker randomly transforms into an army of Skugs.

Nothing much happens other than Kaitlin punches, and kicks Skugs into storage wheels, and the Skugs try to use one as a weapon but she tricks the Skugs into destroying themselves.

But Despera appears, and traps Kaitlin in an energy field, and imitates Kaitlin to lure the other Troopers while Doom Master, and the Vixens appear at Tao dojo, and abduct the Krossworld Kids, and the fans.
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