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Old 01/25/16, 07:50 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Back at the gym, and juice bar Jason was saying proudly “Billy I’m telling you for your first lesson you did really well”. “I did?” Billy asked surprised. “Yeah we were watching” Kimberly answered. But Billy replied nervously “I don’t know I’m just not sure if I have what it takes.” But Trini said “It’s a state of mind Billy you don’t need to be strong for martial arts”. “Yeah it’s all up here” Zack said pointing at his own head.

Then Ernie the plus sized middle aged owner of the gym, and juice bar came over with a plate of drinks, and said “Hey guys” and the five friends replied “Hey Ernie”, and Ernie inquired “So who ordered the spinach juice?”.

Then out of nowhere an earthquake came out of nowhere, and Ernie cried out “Oh no it’s an earthquake everybody stay calm”. Then the earthquake caused Ernie to spill the drinks onto Bulk to which Ernie apologized “Sorry Bulk”.

Downtown skyscrapers started dislodging from their foundations, and moving through the city on their own until they all converged on a single area where a mysterious castle floated down from space and landed on the building in the center.
A reporter in a helicopter watching it could only muster a shocked “Goodness gracious it seems some kind of flying castle has landed in downtown Angel Grove”. Then the castle’s doors opened and out came Rita flying on some strange looking old fashioned tricycle followed by the panther like creature in gold armor.

Then Rita shouted at everyone in Angel Grove “Hear me you pathetic earthlings. I am Rita Repulsa the most powerful, and evil witch in the universe. I can, and I have destroyed countless worlds just because I didn’t like the way they look, and now I’m going to do the same to your planet”.

Then she took her scepter, and from it she projected an image of the space shuttle miniaturized inside her castle with the miniaturized astronauts trapped inside. Rita then menacingly told them “As you can see I have these poor fools who released me hostage”.

Then she showed them an image of a mace being hung by a string with a magnifying glass aimed at the string that was using the focused light to slowly burn the string. “And in just a few hours their going to be my first victims as well” then she broke out into maniacal laughter.
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