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Old 11/19/16, 01:40 PM   #7
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 07/28/11
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Default Re: End of Extinction Episode Discussion

Originally Posted by Sledge's Bounty View Post
Its obviously an AU. So I don't mind the ending at all.
Is this going to be the solution to everything now? "It's in an alternate universe." I'm still of the mindset that RPM is sitting comfortably somewhere in the future - and, there's enough of a timeline gap ALREADY ESTABLISHED IN THE PRU that supports it - where it doesn't mess with anything that's already happened. Why couldn't it happen somewhere in the 2800s and lead up to the vast wasteland that exists in which Ransik creates the Mut-Orgs in the 2900s before the leadup to Time Force in the year 3000? (Although, the consequence of a few very self-centered groups of citizens completely ignoring the Venjix takeover throughout Mystic Force through Jungle Fury that leads up to RPM happening actually IN 2009 is very funny to think about.)

This would, truly, be the only season that doesn't fit anywhere, unless you stick it even further into the future. The 2600s, perhaps? It'd need to be before the Venjix takeover, after the latest time in SPD (2135), and before Ransik creates the Mut-Orgs in the 2900s. We can likely rule out a crossover with the Ninja Steel kids, so there's no need to keep it in 2015/2016 (if they even stated a year). Instead of parallel dimensions being our go-to answer for things, why not muck up the future? The franchise won't last the next 500-700 years, so who's going to know?
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