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Old 01/22/17, 08:11 PM   #8
Goldar's Revenge
Power Ranger
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Default Re: They should have just stuck with Ninja Storm

Originally Posted by Ninja Storm Fan View Post
Because Ninja Storm was a huge hit.. I am saying this Disney Era would have been a huge success if they stuck with Ninja Storm for several years. Power Rangers was out of gas.. The future was the retooled Ninja Storm. Eventually they could have dropped Power Rangers from the title..Once they needed to change themes they could have had Ninja Storm as the main title until they found the next series concept to stick with. Like they did when MMPR became Zeo. Ninja Storm RPM, just as an example.... I actually hated RPM.

They could have found a way around the footage. Or invested in new footage like they did in MMPR. And Ninja Storm was an even bigger success. If they would have invested money for Toei to produce more footage. They were saving a ton of moeny in New Zealand. They could have spent the same amount in NZ and paid Toei for additional footage. They would have made a ton of money back instead of losing a ton.

Thats not reality.....Ninja Storm did do well, but you overrating it. Look it was very successful and breathed new life into the franchise....And under better circumstances it could have continued for several seasons.... But it would have been as Power Rangers and would have had to adapt to the themes of the Sentai into there plans at least somewhat.

Disney wasn't going to pay money for extra Toei footage. Even Saban didn't do that more than once. And MMPR was more successful than NS. MMPRmania was biggger than anything and was when they made the most money. It is also more memorable to the masses. Ninja Storm was a retro version of MMPR relied to match up with Hurricanger's motif.

And frankly Ninja Storm wasn't that good creatively. It wasn't as bad as Samurai but had a lot of the same problems. It tried to be a retro MMPR yet followed the sentai more than it needed to. It desperately needed a menacing villain. Luckily Doug listened to criticism in time to improve the final episodes. One thing being making Lothor more menacing. DinoThunder was light years better. And would have been better to do continuing seasons with.

Ninja Storm could have been a lot be a lot better... But had some good parts ...Don't get me wrong. It would have been much better if they got rid of the convoluted Ninja School stuff that they never properly explained. They could have been everyday teenager that just happened. to become Power Rangers. It would have been easier to have a dinosuar theme with the same cast the following season. You also wouldn't have the captured Ninja students dynamic that would have been cumbersome. And would have been another obstacle to a continuing caset/new power theme.
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