Thread: An odd Question
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Old 06/19/17, 01:00 PM   #18
Power Ranger
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Default Re: An odd Question

Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
unfortunately they weren't willing to pay for the return of anyone other than JDF.

at the time such rumors would've came from the infamous IMDb sadly its users are infamous for spreading such lies before a season comes out.

would've been awesome if either Carol or Hilary preferably the latter had came back in a purified Divatox form much like we saw with Rita returning as the Mystic Mother.

Yes I agree that Kat should've came back in at least 1 episode during Dino Thunder but other than Tommy having Trent's voice, Zeltrax using T-drones and there being no place to put the ep in the season there are no other contradictions. Also Wormhole did air on TV it was just a late-to-air episode.

exactly. Disney didn't want to pay to bring JDF out to film just a few scenes so they just went with using someone else to voice his character.

exactly that was an awesome touch and that's exactly what the grid is.

Kira and Ethan didn't know about S.P.D. because the special that was written that had them finding out about S.P.D. didn't involve the Dino Thunder or S.P.D. writers and they didn't want to count the preview as being in continuity with the show.

actually they didn't even want Power Rangers to begin with they just wanted the Fox Family Channel but in order to get it they had to buy Fox Family Worldwide and everything that came with it including the co-ownership rights to Power Rangers, the dubbing rights to Digimon and of course any other rights they had at the time which would include any broadcasting rights as well they also took over Saban Entertainment rights as part of the sale in fact the last 2 episodes of Wild Force were called "End of Power Rangers" because for all intents and purposes those episodes were supposed to be the last episodes of the series but Doug Sloan was able to persuade his Bosses to continue the series by cutting costs down by going non-union and moving filming production to New Zealand so they agreed to do that.

it would've been nice if there were more fan service moments that's for sure but they were limited in what they could do.

I'm a Tommy/Kat fan as well and I've would very much enjoyed even 1 episode of Kat coming back and even if Catherine was still upset over her dismissal when she didn't want to leave I don't think she would've let that get in the middle of things since she's an adult and she knows that it's just business and not to mention anyone who would've made that decision to get rid of her, Nakia and Johnny likely wasn't even with the show anymore since most of the previous employees had been let go.

I wouldn't want Divatox or Zedd to come back as their evil selves but I'd be fine if they came back as their purified selves.
They were still evil. Zordon just brainwashed them to be good against their wills. They could slip up and revert to their real personalities at anytime. Zordon should have vaped them anyways.
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