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Old 12/19/17, 02:26 PM   #3
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Default Re: Movie: Do Jason , Zack and Trini exist?

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
No, they don't. In the movie, it is established that Zordon chose six teenagers to protect the World from the forces of evil, whereas in the show, he chose five teenagers to do the same job. Plus Tommy came into the mix later in the series, but in the movie, it appears that the S2 MMPR team was "the" team from the get-go and have been fighting both Rita and Zedd for some time.

Also, Dulcea does not exist in the TV series. In the movie, she does. In fact, her actress narrates the monologue at the beginning of the movie.

Not to mention that Ernie does not show up in the movie at al (although he is mentioned) and the Command Center, Alpha 5, Zordon, Ninja Zords, the Ranger costumes all look different. Even Lord Zedd's and Goldar's costumes look like they've been re-made for movie use. Don't get me started on the villain character who appears in the movie but it's not Ivan Ooze who is not a part of the TV series either.
while you're right that he chose 6 in the movie we still can't say for certain that the Zack, Trini and Jason characters never existed in the movie universe perhaps they left the team like their TV counterparts did?
There's nothing in the movie that indicates Adam, Kimberly, Billy, Aisha and Rocky have been a team for awhile.

Everything was re-made for the movie since they weren't in the U.S. Morphers, weapons, zords, Megazords, Alpha, Zordon, Command Center, Zedd, Rita's suit, Goldar, Rita and Zedd's Palace
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