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Old 12/29/14, 07:31 AM   #7
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/04/18
Posts: 2
Default Re: The gap between Zeo and TAPRM - your headcanon?

I was never a fan of the rangers creating the Turbo Powers because it seemed odd. They just helped create these powers but then they showed confusion when introduced the the zords and powers? Tanya even said "They are just cars" I would have rather seen Lerigot leave a power source behind before he turned himself over to Divatox. The keys perhaps?

The time between the end of Zeo and start of Turbo was always confusing to me. Was it a matter of months? weeks?

I never bought into the Jason and Kimberly "romance" either. They were life long friends coming back to help their friends and hometown in a time of need. Why is that so hard to believe? How does that mean they are automatically together? Nothing about their interactions showed any change how they had always been around each other before.
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