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Old 08/19/07, 08:50 AM   #5
solar gardian rider
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 03/07/09
Location: holland
Posts: 18
Default solar gardian rangers

new chapter chapter 5
The headquarters was ready and in use. Thomas sat behind his desk and read all at questions of men that had reported for the Dallas Guardians Police. He read the question of Loren Kasey Googenheim. He learned he’d had a difficult youth. ‘ Maybe I can give him a future.’ Thomas thought. He searched the address and once found it, he went outside and stepped into his police car, a corvette with specials and drove to Kasey’s house. He rang the bell. Loren opened it and said:

“ Wow, you are a Dallas guardian.”

“ Yes, that’s right and are you Loren Kasey Googenheim?”

“ Yes, I am. Wait.” Thomas said as he suddenly heard an explosion. He saw clones. He cursed and went behind a bush. He called Kelly on his wrist radio.

“ Here commander Thomas. Are you there, honey?”

“ Yes, I can hear you.” said Kelly

“ Press the alarm. There are clones in the city. Come here right away.” Thomas said. “ It’s morphing time. Time for Solar guardian ranger form.” He pressed on the button and 2 cases appeared on the ground. A hologram came in front of Thomas. Sun flame changed hologram in real a costume. “ Sun guardian ranger, red guardian tiger ranger.” Thomas ran to the clones which just shouted.

“ Fire stone, ranger form!” As they turned into dark rangers. They attacked Thomas with a kick. Thomas stopped and with a tackle, the dark ranger clone fell on the ground.

“ Power or Tyrannosaurus!” The suit changed to the red mmpr suit and with the power sword and saba, Thomas hit the fire stone morpher which fell of its wrist. A dark ranger clone aimed its laser blaster at Thomas. Thomas got hit and flew back against the wall where he laid passed out with the morpher next to him. Loren Kasey Googenheim picked up the morpher and said: “ Go galatic!” He transformed into the red galaxy ranger

“ Cool!” He commented and did a high kick, kicking a clone against the wall. Another clone attacked Loren who flew back against the wall and cursed. The morpher discharged.

“ Shit, this dark ranger is too strong.”

“ Ugh.” Thomas said as he woke up unmorphed.

“ Kaseyn catch!” Thomas threw a Solar morpher to him. The new ranger had heard Thomas’ earlier call and repeated it.

“ It’s morphing time! Time for Solar Guardian ranger form.” The suit formed itself around his body. The orange tiger ranger stood there. He still had the morpher of the galaxy ranger on.

“ Go Galactic.” And he was again the red galaxy ranger only now totally red and had orange saba and Quasar Sabar. He began to fight against the dark rangers and easily won. He hit each morpher of their wrist and cut their heads off. It were robots so they don’t really life. He took the fire morphers and saw that they looked like the Zeonizers.

“ Power down.” He said and put the dire morpher on his wrist. “ It’s morping time! Power of the sun. Fire stone, activate!” He pressed on a button and became a batall ranger. “ Power down!”

Kelly arrived there with the other guardians

“ Hi, honey. Who is he?”

“ That is Loren Kasey Googenheim. The orange Solar guardian tiger ranger and also a Dallas guardian.

“ Hey Loren, what have your discovered?”

“ This fire morphers are no evil powers. Normal people can use them. I was myself but what we saw resembled Psycho Rangers. They are white and black while my suit was black and orange.”

“ Cool, so there can be more then 12 rangers only that these morpher are weaker than ours.”

“ Yeah, true but from where do we get our zords?”

“ I don’t know, Kelly but we’ve got all rangers powers so also their zords. We’ll have to do it with them until we have our own zords.”

They returned to their headquarters.
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