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Old 12/11/14, 06:55 PM   #11
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 11: Storm of the Seventh

A few days after the defeat the Chovas, the team was in the Garage early morning before school, looking at Eve who was currently in a cell like room with laser bars to prevent her from leaving. She had been confined there after the battle, even though Jake would step inside to talk to her every so often. "What do we do with her?" asked Zeke, giving a look of slight contempt at the young woman who had her head lowered so her eyes hit the floor. "We can't just keep her in there, she's been calm since she was brought in." Diane said, leaning back slightly to call over to T.K "Where's Jake? He's the one who should decides what happens." "He's at school, trying to convince your teacher to allow her to join your class." the tech assistant said non-nonchalantly, eyes glued to her computer screen. "He's what?" asked Spike, looking at the others in a bewildered manner.

"We can't just keep her locked in there, Spike. Like it or not, she's a Ranger, and Jake's sister. She deserves a chance." said Vanessa in a slightly stern tone. "Vanessa's right. His sister, his decision. He's our leader so we'll have to trust his judgment." said Jerome, leaning closer to the door. "Eve? We know it wasn't your choice in attacking us. We don't blame you. Come on guys, let's get to class." the five grabbed their backpacks and headed out, T.K looking over her computer monitor to address the woman. "You know, you're welcome to come out of there anytime." "I don't deserve to leave here. Not after what I did to my brother and his friends." Eve whispered back.

At Blue Bay High, Mrs. Peabody stood in front of the room with a folder in her hands, looking slightly nervous. "Class, today's lesson is what many consider to be controversial, and a dark chapter in humanity's past. The images you see may disturb you, even anger or frighten you. I apologize in advance." the teacher said, opening the folder and taking out a piece of paper; on it was a black symbol in a white circle and a red background. Handing the piece of paper to the closest student to her, they would pass the paper back along the rows, each student observing it silently before passing it on to another classmate.

"Can anyone tell me what this is?" she asked. The class was silent for a moment, until one student slowly raised there hand. "Yes, Steve?" "It's a Swastika, the symbol that the Nazi's used as their symbol of power during World War Two."

"Correct. Originally used as the Buddhist symbol symbol of hope and eternity, the Nazi Party used it as a flag created by the leader of the party, Hitler. He has been quoted saying in his book that the flag represented the honor of the country's empire. However, his ideals were skewed, blaming no only the Jewish people, but also those who were handicapped, homosexual, non-Aryan, etc. Millions of people died in the concentration camps and in the war." Mrs. Peabody turned on a projector, hitting the screen she had pulled down to show slides of victims of the Second World War, still lecturing.

Vanessa heard a strange sound, turning to see Diane shaking, trying to control her breathing. "Hermana, Que Pasa?" she whispered to her friend in a worried tone. Gulping, Diane stood up and bolted for the door, rushing out of the classroom and running to her locker, breathing hard.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she spun around in a fighting stance, only to see Jake who had his hands up. "Whoa there, Diane! What's wrong?" "J-Jake? Why aren't you in class?" she asked, opening her locker door and leaning her head against it. "I could ask you the same thing. What's wrong?" "I had to get out of the classroom, the subject was making me panic. Why weren't you there?" "I was talking to Principal Mendez about getting Eve into our class. Had to tell she'd been home schooled and wanted to try a public one. She'll be in the room across from Mrs. Peabody's. Now, what was the subject that got you all worked up?" he asked as the bell rang, classes letting out for switching.

Letting out a deep breath, she looked up into his eyes which held concern for his friend. "Nazi Germany during World War Two." "Not a fan of war pictures?" "No, its not that its-" "Aww poor Diane Pai! Scared of a few slides and she bolts out of the room in fear." said a voice behind the pink wearing teen, rolling her eyes as she turned to face Kathy. "Look, my problem is none of your business." "Well, looks like switch period, let's go, Di." Jake said, walking past the two women until Kathy spoke "Please! You're so fearful I bet you're too afraid to ask anyone out to the Winter Dance!"

"Oh yeah? I bet Jake and I could out dance you and your caveman of a boyfriend!" Jake froze and slowly turned around with a terrified expression, rapidly shaking his head at Diane, with Kathy saying "Fine, we'll see which couple is the better dancer at the Winter Dance. Be ready to taste defeat." She then stormed off, Jake face palming with a loud groan. "What's wrong?" Diane asked as she shut her locker. "Diane, I can't dance!" "You'll have to learn then." she said with a smirk, walking past the Eltarian who looked on with a panicked expression.

On the Tul'Van ship, Luven stood in front of two shadowed warriors, smiling to himself. "One an old ally who we thought lost in the last war. Another the perfect robot to take advantage of the Pink Ranger's fear. Go to the Earth and start your attack, in the name of the Emperor!" The two warriors vanished in two bursts of light, Luven glancing over to the data files. "This shall become our greatest strength.."

At the Garage, Jake stood in front of Eve's cell, leaning against the wall. "You don't have to stay cooped up in there all the time." "Your friends don't trust me, and I don't blame them. I nearly destroyed the Pink and Yellow Rangers, nearly destroyed you! How could you allow me freedom when I don't deserve it?" "Because deep down I know you want to redeem yourself; you cannot allow your past to haunt you! Eve you were a Ranger once, and still are. We cant risk you using your old Proto Morpher, but we-" He was cut off by the alarms going off, T.K poking her head over her computer monitor. "We got two attackers over by the museum with a large group of Nokbots." "Call the others, I'll meet them there." He looked back to his sister, who sat back down on her cot. Shaking his head, Jake ran past T.K, the two giving each other an understanding look before he vanished into then air.

Crystal Harbor museum of History was under attack by a large group of the Nokbot robots, who where breaking into different cases and grabbing what they could. "Grab what you can for our Emporer, he deserves only the finest jewels!" said a mechanical voice, the six teenagers running through the main doors and confronting the robots. "Put the stuff down and one one will get hurt!" Spike said with the robots dropping said items all over the floor.

"Hey, it actually worked!" he said in surprise, only for a black clad warrior to jump out of the shadows and strike him with a kick to the chest. "Or not..." Spike grunted as he stood up, the attack folding its arms behind its back. Standing in front of the six Rangers was a metal robot, dressed in the outfit of the Nazi officer; a black and silver hat, a long coat that was closed, black boots and gloves.

"You have -got- to be kidding me!" Zeke said in both shock and slight disgust. "Who would want to make that?" asked Vanessa, Jerome held up his Morpher, asking "Ready?" Zeke, Vanessa, Spike, and Jake held theirs up, but Diane was shaking where she stood. "N-no, you aren't real. You died a long time ago before I was born!" she said in fear, slowly backing up. "What's wrong with her?" asked Spike. Jerome gently grabbed her arm and spoke. "Di, listen. I don't know whats got you spooked, but we're here for you. You have us to back you up." "Right..You're right." Diane held up her Morpher slowly, still shaking slightly as the group yelled out "Legacy Power, Activate!"

"You will not win. Adolon Mk 2 declares victory absolute!" "Hyaa!" The six warriors went into action; Legacy Blue, Green, and Pink went after the Nokbots while Red, Yellow, and Ghost Ranger went for Adolon Mk 2, the black clad warrior robot was fast, but also had power behind his hits as it grabbed Red by the throat and choke slammed him into a nearby case then snapped a straight kick into Ghost, knocking him into a wall. "Hya! Ha!" Legacy Blue left the small number of robots up to Green and Pink to join up with yellow, the two going for a windmill kick maneuver that Adolon Mk 2 blocked, grabbing Blue and power bombing him to the ground. "Hang on guys!" Pink yelled after finishing off the last of the Nokbots with Green's help, Adolon Mk 2 sending Yellow back with a punch to her Solar Plexus.

"They're getting creamed out there.." T.K said, looking at the computer. Standing up, she walked over to the cell and turned off the bars, grabbing Eve by the arm and pulling her over to the computer. "Look." she spoke, Eve looking away from the screen, only for T.K to yell at her "I said LOOK!" Eve slowly looked at the screen, seeing the six warriors try their best to hold off the robot, only to be sent back. "You can help them.." T.K said. "How?"

Back at the museum, Ghost Ranger and Legacy Red got back up and went into their fighting stances when Red noticed Pink was frozen still with fear. "Diane, what's wrong?" "My Great Great Grandmother." "What do you mean?" asked Ghost. Another voice spoke out from the shadows, saying "It is quite simple. When she looks at the robot, she sees her ancestor who fought alongside what you Humans refer to as Nazi's." Stepping out from his hiding place was a six armed, well armored alien with six broadswords on his back. "No way..." said Ghost in shock.

"Zachex?! I defeated him.. a long time ago." Eve said, fists clenching. "How can I help them?" she asked, T.K walked past her and over towards the vault, pulling out a device with a black strap; the device was silver with black buttons on it, with the numbers three, four, five, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen on it. "This will be your Legacy Morpher." Eve took the device and strapped it to her wrist, the device turning into a silver black and white bracelet. "With this, you will have the ability to turn into any of the Ranger-Like Allies. Eve, this is your story, make the new chapter a good one." T.K said, hitting a few buttons on her keyboard and teleporting Eve to the battle in a black light.

"Victory -is- absolute!" Adolon Mk 2 declared, making its way over to Legacy Pink, who was still terrified to move. Pulling its fists back, Adolon Mk. 2 sent it forward, only for another challenger to appear before him in a burst of black energy, the fist caught in her hand. "You want to harm my brother and and his friends; That is unforgivable."

Eve pushed the fist back and began to attack, using a street brawling style of fighting, bending her leg over her head and kicking him in the face with the Scorpion kick. Turning to Legacy Pink, she extended her hand, the Ranger hesitantly taking it, a warm feeling going through her. "You cannot allow your past to haunt you." Eve said, turning to face the two monsters as the Rangers stood up behind her, she bringing her Morpher up and hitting the largest button on the bottom, yelling "Legacy Power, Activate!" A black energy field powered up around her body; Casually striking the field with the back of her fist, she turned into the shattered glass like energy, the Legacy Suit forming on her body. Her suit was metallic black and white, gold chest armor and shoulder pads with a silver crown.

"A seventh Ranger?!" Zachex roared, the team members glowing their respective colors. When Legacy Pink looked upon Adolon Mk2, she no longer saw her ancestor, but the robot enemy.

"Legacy Red!" "Legacy Blue!" Legacy Pink!" Legacy Green!" Legacy Yellow!" "Ghost Ranger!" "Phantom Legacy Ranger!" "POWERS OF THE PAST TO PROTECT OUR FUTURE! POWER RANGERS LEGACY!" T.K's voice came in through Phantom's Morpher, speaking. "Eve, I forgot to tell you something important! Since you and Jake are siblings, you can temporarily take on the Sixth Ranger powers for approximately five minutes, give it a shot!" The two looked at each other, their helmets going transparent. "Please, brother. Let me start this chapter off right." The others would nod their heads in approval as they grabbed each others hands, a green energy shooting through Phantom's body. "You show them what a Ranger can really do, sis."

Legacy Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Green, and Phantom stood beside each other, the first five spinning their watch hands to 11:00 and calling together "Legacy Transcendence!" Phantom hit her main button twice and yelled out "Legacy Transcendence!" "Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!" "Thunder Storm, Ranger Form!" "Samurai Storm, Ranger Form!" The Six Transcended into the three Wind Ninja, two Thunder Ninja, and Green Samurai Rangers! In order of Red, Yellow, Blue, Crimson, Navy, and Green, they did the roll call of the old guard; "Power of Air!" "Power of Earth!" "Power of Water! "Power of Thunder!" "Samurai Power!"

"Adolon, deal with these fools!" Zachex ordered, turning from the team and walking to the shadows, vanishing. "I will win.." Adolon Mk 2 said, slamming its boot into the ground with enough force it caused a small tremor. "No, you won't." spoke Phantom Green Samurai, the other Rangers pulling out their swords and staffs, a traditional shoji dropping down and showing only the shadows of the combatants as they all struck the robot over and over, calling out "Ninja Shadow Battle!" The robot went flying out of the museum, rolling back onto its feet and starting to spin around like a top, its arms becoming blades as it yelled "Sturm un Drang!" spinning into the other rangers and hitting them all into the air. Ghost Ranger came running out of the museum with an energized flying kick to its back back, sending in tumbling head over heels.

"Let's put them together!" commanded Legacy Ninja Red, the five members pulling out their weapons. "Hawk Blaster!" "Sonic Fin!" "Lion Hammer!" "Crimson Blaster!" "Navy Antler!" The five combined the weapons into the Thunderstorm Cannon, holding it as a team. "Ready, aim!" Red yelled, everyone calling out "Fire!" The Thunderstorm Cannon fired its shot, nailing Adolon Mk2 dead center and knocking him over.

"Alright, that's more like it!" said Legacy Blue, the team powering down, only to hear their opponent get back up, sparks shooting out everywhere. "I refuse to fall so easily!" Phantom Samurai Green stepped forward, spinning the visor of her helmet around and removing the weighted vest while yelling "Super Samurai Mode!" , unsheathing the sword at her side, the two charged one another, with she vanishing and, yelling during the attack, would slash her sword at Adolon, as a complete blur, before sending the blade through his chest via his back. "Defeat is absolute." she said, taking the sword out of the robot and powering down to her civilian form, which now consisted of a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt. dark blue jeans and a pair of black boots. Right before Adolon Mk2 exploded, she turned away from it, looking truly awesome.

"Fire the Revive Lasers!" Zachex commanded, the beams shooting down to earth and hitting Adolon Mk 2's scrapped body, growing it to massive height. "Eve, that was awesome, now it's time to let me handle things!" Ghost Ranger said, spinning his Morphers hands to 11:00, calling out "Legacy Transcendence! Samurai Storm, Ranger Form!" "Time to take this fight to the heights!" Legacy Pink said the five of them summoning their Zords to form the Legacy Megazord. "Samurai Star Chopper!" Legacy Samurai summoned the Zord, the Ninja Storm Megazord theme playing in the background as he jumped into it, transforming it into the Samurai Star Megazord.

Adolon Mk2 jumped into the air and came crashing down with a double boot slam onto the Samurai Star Megazord, blurring to grab the Legacy Megzord and suplex the robot over its back. "Didn't think he'd be this powerful!" Legacy Red spoke, the team getting the robot upright.

"I say we finish him off with a one-two combo!" Legacy Samurai said into sword sheath, amplifying his voice after getting the robot off of the ground. "Agreed! Team, time show this guy the power of the Storm!" The team spun their Morphers once more, saying "Megazord Transcendence! Serpent Saber!" The Stingray Ax turned into the Storm Megazord's weapon, the robot gaining two copies of itself. "Power Disc Number Ten! Locked and dropped!" said Legacy Samurai, a golden sphere appearing before him and opening up to reveal a Bee on a giant chord. "Ninja Storm Legacy Shadow Slash!" "Bee Spinner!" The two robots sent out their attacks, nailing Adolon Mk2 until it blew up on a fireball.

Back at the Garage, the team surrounded Eve, Jake having a put a hand onto her back. "Today, you proved yourself to the others that you wish to fight for the side of good." Jerome said. "We are more then proud to have you as a member of this team, Eve." said Vanessa, giving a smile. "If it wasn't for you helping in that fight, I may have never gotten over my fear." Diane spoke up, Spike and Zeke would nod their heads in approval, then Eve turned to hug her brother tightly. "Thank you for giving me this chance." she said. With a grin, Jerome held out his hand flat, Zeke putting his on top of it, Diane doing the same, followed by Vanessa, Spike, Eve, and Jake."T.K, get over here." Zeke said, their tech assistant sheepishly smiling and placing her hand on the pile. "Earth's protectors, friends forever." Jerome said, the group breaking the hand stack with a cheer.

The next day, Diane stood at the front of the classroom with a piece of paper, taking a deep breath. "Good morning, fellow students. Most of you here have known me since Freshman year. Some of you I've only met recently. The other day, Mrs. Peabody did a lecture on Nazis during World War Two. I had a panic attack due to something I've kept secret for a long time; As most of you know, I am part Chinese...my other half is German. My first name is really Wilhelmina, the same name as my Great Great Grandmother." Diane took a deep breath, continuing. "She was one of Hitler's biggest supporters, and this brought shame to my family when we found out. I was so disgusted by this that I felt like my family, way back then, was responsible for those atrocities."

She stopped speaking, reaching up to wipe away a tear that started to form. Glancing over to the classroom across from them, she saw Eve smiling at her, nodding."But I learned from a friend I made recently, that you cannot let your past haunt you. You have to move forward with your life and not be afraid of what was, only focus on what can be. I will ask that you still call me Diane, but I will also say that I'm no longer afraid. Thank you."

The class broke into applause from her speech, Diane sitting down in her chair and smiling at her friends.

-To Be Continued-
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